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Update and extend encrypted overlay filesystem comparison #12

Closed ntninja closed 5 years ago

ntninja commented 5 years ago

Hi! I really enjoyed your comparison of encrypted filesystems and since I recently moved somebody (Windows user by necessity) away from EncFSMP because of its unreliability, I was now confronted with a choice between the several systems you listed in your comparison. As such I was really looking for decent Windows data of these systems, which unfortunately doesn't seem to be available anywhere.

While I know that technically your own tool isn't even on the list, I hope you can still accept this data as cross-platform usage of these file systems is an important aspect of their usability and having a decent user-experience everywhere is IMHO part of the deal.

Danke auf jeden Fall für die Arbeit die du in dieses Programm und die Tabelle gesteckt hast! Super nützlich!

rfjakob commented 5 years ago

Nice, thank you!