rfjakob / systembus-notify

systembus-notify - system bus notification daemon
MIT License
57 stars 6 forks source link

How to #1

Closed hakavlad closed 4 years ago

hakavlad commented 4 years ago
user@debian:/tmp$ git clone https://github.com/rfjakob/systembus-notify.git
Cloning into 'systembus-notify'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 56, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (56/56), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (35/35), done.
remote: Total 56 (delta 28), reused 47 (delta 19), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (56/56), done.
user@debian:/tmp$ cd systembus-notify
user@debian:/tmp/systembus-notify$ make
cc -Wall -Wextra -Wformat-security -Wconversion -fstack-protector-all -std=gnu99
-lsystemd -g -o systembus-notify *.c
user@debian:/tmp/systembus-notify$ make install
mkdir -p /home/user/bin /home/user/.config/autostart
cp systembus-notify /home/user/bin
cp systembus-notify.desktop /home/user/.config/autostart
user@debian:/tmp/systembus-notify$ systembus-notify test
bash: systembus-notify: command not found
user@debian:/tmp/systembus-notify$ ./systembus-notify test
Usage: ./systembus-notify
(no parameters accepted)
user@debian:/tmp/systembus-notify$ ./systembus-notify --help
Usage: ./systembus-notify
(no parameters accepted)
user@debian:/tmp/systembus-notify$ ./systembus-notify &
[2] 8710
user@debian:/tmp/systembus-notify$ dbus-send --system /
net.nuetzlich.SystemNotifications.Notify 'string:summary text only'
user@debian:/tmp/systembus-notify$ summary text only
dbus-send --system / net.nuetzlich.SystemNotifications.Notify 'string:summary
text' 'string:and body text'summary text only

How to test it? Can not understand anything.

hakavlad commented 4 years ago

Could you provide --debug option, please?

rfjakob commented 4 years ago

The dbus-send commands you ran should have popped up a GUI notification. You are on Debian 10? Let me check.

rfjakob commented 4 years ago

I have added debug output so you can see what is going on. It is enabled by default, I will later add a -q flag to disable it.

rfjakob commented 4 years ago

Seems to be working OK here in a VM:

Screenshot from 2020-04-05 12-29-29

hakavlad commented 4 years ago

Works fine with earlyoom -n with Gnome, Cinnamon, Plasma, LXQT. Doesn't work with Mate and LXDE. On Debian 10.

rfjakob commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for testing! I added the list of working desktop environments to the readme, along with some colorful graphics: https://github.com/rfjakob/systembus-notify/blob/master/README.md

hakavlad commented 4 years ago

Doesn't work with Mate and LXDE. On Debian 10.

nonify-send also doesn't work on it. I guess it is not systembus-notify's problem.