rflachlan / Luscinia

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Sonogram/sound quality issues #13

Open deenchi opened 1 year ago

deenchi commented 1 year ago


First off, thank you for making this program! It is exactly what I need for my project (if I am able to get it to work).

I am having trouble processing a sonogram. I have recorded songs and was not able to create a sonogram in mp3 or wav format. The file is greyed out in the database and nothing happens when I select "make sonogram." I noticed on another thread you said mp3 format doesn't work so I tried converting my songs to aiff. In aiff I am able to select "make sonogram" and another screen opens where I can play the song. However, the sound quality is much worse than the original and there is so much static and background humming that the sonogram isn't able to compute anything. Do I need a better quality microphone to do this? I made the recordings with a phone.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

rflachlan commented 1 year ago

Hello - wav format should work in general, but Java's ability to parse wav files is a bit limited, if you have very unusual parameters for your file. If you can test with a standard 16bit 44.1kHz file, that would be a good first step. For the aiff - that might indeed be a bug within Luscinia (I very rarely encounter this format): I will try to make time to test and fix.