rflachlan / Luscinia

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Syllable start times not exported correctly using 'Export parameter statistics to spreadsheet' #2

Open BirdGuyWes opened 7 years ago

BirdGuyWes commented 7 years ago

Using Analyze > Export parameter statistics to worksheet, I am encountering two issues - the duplication of rows and incorrect syllable start times.

In Fig. 1 below you can see that the export has extra rows, with Syllable Number 1's (which I have highlighted red) interspersing all the genuine rows. Each 'Syllable 1' row is a duplicate of the previous row, for all the measurement fields.

luscinia export duplicated rows

After removing these rows, here is what my data looks like.

start time luscinia export

You can see that the start times (which I have highlighted red) are not correct, sometimes increasing, then decreasing through the course of a song (they should logically only increase).

However, the element start times are correct. So I have been using the start times for the first element of each syllable (highlighted in green below) as a replacement for the syllable start time column.


However, the number of unique syllables in the element export data does not quite match the number of unique syllables in the syllable export data (there are slightly fewer unique syllables in the element export than in the syllable export).

Happens on Windows 7 and Windows 10, using Luscinia version and previous versions. @rflachlan

rflachlan commented 7 years ago

Thanks for this report. The duplication should reflect a difference between Syllables and Phrases. If you have songs that only have one syllable in each phrase (i.e. only one row of red bars above the spectrogram), then the measurements will be identical. This is undocumented and unwieldy, and I need to do something about that.

The time issue: I wasn't aware of this, and will investigate. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!