rformassspectrometry / MetaboAnnotation

High level functionality to support and simplify metabolomics data annotation.
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Performance issue with matching functions #93

Open Adafede opened 1 year ago

Adafede commented 1 year ago


I am trying to regularly match 1000+ query spectra to 100,000+ target spectra. Currently, this is easily doable in minutes using matchms in python. I never obtained such results using MetaboAnnotation in R.

Here below a tentative script trying to describe what I would like to achieve. It currently uses MsBackendMgf, but this is not the issue. I had to subset the data to remain in reasonable times (approx. 5 minutes).

Happy to further develop and exchange if needed.


start <- Sys.time()

message("Installing required packages ...")
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
BiocManager::install(version = "3.16")
packages <-
to_install <-
  packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
if (length(to_install)) {

message("Sourcing pre-existing functions ...")

message("Parameters ...")
ppm <- 10
dalton <- 0.02
map_fun <- Spectra::joinPeaksGnps
sim_fun <- MsCoreUtils::gnps
precursor <- TRUE
threshold <- 0.2
par <- BiocParallel::MulticoreParam()

params_1 <- MetaboAnnotation::CompareSpectraParam(
  ppm = ppm,
  tolerance = dalton,
  MAPFUN = map_fun,
  FUN = sim_fun,
  requirePrecursor = precursor,
  THRESHFUN = function(x) {
    which(x >= threshold)
  BPPARAM = par

params_2 <- MetaboAnnotation::MatchForwardReverseParam(
  ppm = ppm,
  tolerance = dalton,
  MAPFUN = map_fun,
  FUN = sim_fun,
  requirePrecursor = precursor,
  THRESHFUN = function(x) {
    which(x >= threshold)
  BPPARAM = par

message("Paths ...")
doi_isdb <- "10.5281/zenodo.5607185"
export_query <- "query.mgf"
export_target <- "target.mgf"
pattern_pos <- "isdb_pos.mgf"
pattern_neg <- "isdb_neg.mgf"
query_url <-

message("Downloading query MGF ...")
get_example_spectra(url = query_url, export = export_query)

message("Downloading target MGF ...")
get_last_version_from_zenodo(doi = doi_isdb,
                             pattern = pattern_pos,
                             path = export_target)

message("Loading query MGF ...")
spq <- MsBackendMgf::readMgf(f = export_query) |>

message("Loading target MGF ...")
start_load <- Sys.time()
spt <- MsBackendMgf::readMgf(f = export_target) |>
end_load <- Sys.time()
message("Took ",
        format(end_load - start_load),
        " to load ",
        " spectra.")

message("Subsetting to have acceptable duration ...")
spq_micro <- spq |>
  Spectra::filterPrecursorMzRange(c(200, 201))
message("Now ", length(spq_micro), " query spectra.")

spt_micro <- spt |>
  Spectra::filterPrecursorMzRange(c(200, 201))
message("And ", length(spt_micro), " target spectra.")

message("Matching spectra (micro) ...")
start_u1 <- Sys.time()
matches_1 <- MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(query = spq_micro,
                                            target = spt_micro,
                                            param = params_1)
end_u1 <- Sys.time()
message("Took ",
        format(end_u1 - start_u1),
        " without peaks data.")

start_u2 <- Sys.time()
matches_2 <- MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(query = spq_micro,
                                            target = spt_micro,
                                            param = params_2)
end_u2 <- Sys.time()
message("Took ",
        format(end_u2 - start_u2),
        " with peaks data.")
message("For ",
        " * ",
        " spectra")

message("Trying with a slightly larger set ...")
spq_mini <- spq |>
  Spectra::filterPrecursorMzRange(c(200, 250))
message("Now ", length(spq_mini), " query spectra.")

spt_mini <- spt |>
  Spectra::filterPrecursorMzRange(c(200, 250))
message("And ", length(spt_mini), " target spectra.")

message("Matching spectra (mini) ...")
start_m1 <- Sys.time()
matches_3 <- MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(query = spq_mini,
                                            target = spt_mini,
                                            param = params_1)
end_m1 <- Sys.time()
message("Took ",
        format(end_m1 - start_m1),
        " without peaks data.")

start_m2 <- Sys.time()
matches_4 <- MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(query = spq_mini,
                                            target = spt_mini,
                                            param = params_2)
end_m2 <- Sys.time()
message("Took ",
        format(end_m2 - start_m2),
        " with peaks data.")
message("For ",
        " * ",
        " spectra")

approx <- (
  as.numeric(end_u2 - start_u2) / (length(spt_micro) * length(spq_micro)) +
    as.numeric(end_m2 - start_m2) / (length(spt_mini) * length(spq_mini))
) / 2

  "Not performing on full set as will take approximatively ",
  approx * length(spq) * length(spt) / 60,
  " hours (VERY rough approximation)"

end <- Sys.time()

message("Script finished in ", format(end - start))

Adafede commented 1 year ago

As a side note, here is some benchmark I did regarding the different backends:

#################################### Paths ####################################
file <- "CompDb.Hsapiens.HMDB.4.0"
file_db <- file |>
file_mgf <- file |>

################ Taking small HMDB from CompoundDb as example #################
hmdb_file <-
  system.file("sdf/HMDB_sub.sdf.gz", package = "CompoundDb")
cmps <- CompoundDb::compound_tbl_sdf(hmdb_file)
xml_path <- system.file("xml", package = "CompoundDb")
spctra <- CompoundDb::msms_spectra_hmdb(xml_path)
metad <-
    source = "HMDB",
    url = "http://www.hmdb.ca",
    source_version = "4.0",
    source_date = "2017-09",
    organism = "Hsapiens"

################################## Functions ##################################
export_spectra <- function(file,
                           dir = ".",
                           cmps = NULL,
                           metad = NULL) {
    EXPR = gsub(
      pattern = ".*\\.",
      replacement = "",
      x = file
    "mgf" = {
      Spectra::Spectra(object = spectra) |>
          backend = MsBackendMgf::MsBackendMgf(),
          file = file
    "sqlite" = {
      if (is.null(cmps)) {
        cmps <-
            compound_id = if (!is.null(spectra$compound_id)) {
            } else {
              no <- rep(
            name = if (!is.null(spectra$name)) {
            } else {
              no <- rep(
            inchi = if (!is.null(spectra$inchi)) {
            } else {
              no <- rep(
            inchikey = if (!is.null(spectra$inchikey)) {
            } else {
              no <- rep(
            exactmass = if (!is.null(spectra$exactmass)) {
            } else {
              no <- rep(
            formula = if (!is.null(spectra$formula)) {
            } else {
              no <- rep(
            synonyms = if (!is.null(spectra$synonyms)) {
            } else {
              no <- rep(
      if (is.null(metad)) {
        metad <-
            name = c(
            value = c(
              Sys.time() |>

        x = cmps,
        metadata = metad,
        msms_spectra = spectra,
        path = dir,
        dbFile = file

extract_spectra <- function(object) {
  ## issues
  incoherent_colnames <- c(
    ms_level = "msLevel",
    precursor_intensity = "precursorIntensity"
  incoherent_logical <- c("predicted")
  incoherent_integer <- c("spectrum_id")

  peaks <- object |>
    Spectra::peaksData() |>
    data.frame() |>
    dplyr::group_by(group) |>
  spectra <- object |>
    Spectra::spectraData() |>
  spectra$mz <- peaks$mz
  spectra$intensity <- peaks$intensity

  ## synonyms issue
  spectra <- spectra |>
    dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(c(-dplyr::any_of("synonym")))) |>
    dplyr::summarize(dplyr::across(.cols = where(is.list), .fns = as.character)) |>

  ## columns types issue
  spectra <- spectra |>
      .cols = dplyr::any_of(incoherent_logical),
      .fns = as.logical
    )) |>
      .cols = dplyr::any_of(incoherent_integer),
      .fns = as.integer

  ## columns names issue
  spectra <- spectra |>
    dplyr::select(-c(dplyr::any_of(incoherent_colnames))) |>


import_spectra <- function(file) {
    EXPR = gsub(
      pattern = ".*\\.",
      replacement = "",
      x = file
    "mgf" = {
      file |>
        MsBackendMgf::readMgf() |>
    "sqlite" = {
      file |>
        CompoundDb::CompDb() |>

################################### Script ###################################
## Exporting
### To SQLite
  file = file_db,
  spectra = spctra,
  cmps = cmps,
  metad = metad
### To MGF
export_spectra(file = file_mgf, spectra = spctra)

## Importing
### From SQLite
sps_from_sqlite <- file_db |>
### From MGF
sps_from_mgf <- file_mgf |>

################################# Parameters #################################
params_sim <- MetaboAnnotation::CompareSpectraParam(
  ppm = 10,
  tolerance = 0.02,
  FUN = MsCoreUtils::gnps,
  requirePrecursor = TRUE,
  THRESHFUN = function(x) {
    which(x >= 0.6)

################################## Benchmark ##################################
mbm_1 <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  matches_mgf_mgf = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = sps_from_mgf,
    target = sps_from_mgf,
    param = params_sim
  matches_mgf_sqlite = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = sps_from_mgf,
    target = sps_from_sqlite,
    param = params_sim
  matches_sqlite_mgf = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = sps_from_sqlite,
    target = sps_from_mgf,
    param = params_sim
  matches_sqlite_sqlite = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = sps_from_sqlite,
    target = sps_from_sqlite,
    param = params_sim
  times = 200

mbm_2 <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  matches_mgf_mgf_1 = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = file_mgf |>
    target = sps_from_mgf,
    param = params_sim
  matches_mgf_mgf_2 = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = sps_from_mgf,
    target = file_mgf |>
    param = params_sim
  matches_mgf_sqlite_1 = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = file_mgf |>
    target = sps_from_sqlite,
    param = params_sim
  matches_mgf_sqlite_2 = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = sps_from_mgf,
    target = file_db |>
    param = params_sim
  matches_sqlite_mgf_1 = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = file_db |>
    target = sps_from_mgf,
    param = params_sim
  matches_sqlite_mgf_2 = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = sps_from_sqlite,
    target = file_mgf |>
    param = params_sim
  matches_sqlite_sqlite_1 = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = file_db |>
    target = sps_from_sqlite,
    param = params_sim
  matches_sqlite_sqlite_2 = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = sps_from_sqlite,
    target = file_db |>
    param = params_sim
  times = 200

mbm_3 <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  matches_mgf_mgf = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = file_mgf |>
    target = file_mgf |>
    param = params_sim
  matches_mgf_sqlite = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = file_mgf |>
    target = file_db |>
    param = params_sim
  matches_sqlite_mgf = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = file_db |>
    target = file_mgf |>
    param = params_sim
  matches_sqlite_sqlite = MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(
    query = file_db |>
    target = file_db |>
    param = params_sim
  times = 200

#################################### Plots ####################################
mbm_1 |>

mbm_2 |>

mbm_3 |>

################################### Cleanup ###################################

################################# Session Info #################################
michaelwitting commented 1 year ago

Hi Adriano, you are right, it is quite slow. Did you try MsBackendMemory? Should be more efficient, right @jorainer ?

jorainer commented 1 year ago

yes, should be - but would still be nice to know where exactly the bottleneck is...

Adafede commented 1 year ago

Just tried both

 MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(query = spq_mini,
                                target = spt_mini,
                                param = params_2)


MetaboAnnotation::matchSpectra(query = Spectra::setBackend(spq_mini, Spectra::MsBackendMemory()),
                               target = Spectra::setBackend(spt_mini, Spectra::MsBackendMemory()),
                               param = params_2)

and observed no difference

jorainer commented 1 year ago

Just a general observation: you use always :: to call a function - this can also slow down things if the namespace of the package is not already loaded (because R needs then to load the namespace first). Ideally, you should first load all required libraries and not use the ::.

Also, question: the data that you provide has 7897 query spectra and 289429 target spectra, right? Is this already the subset you mentioned above? I'm just asking because it takes me less than 5 minutes to do the matching with matchSpectra.

Adafede commented 1 year ago

I simply find it easier for reading, might be some additional performance improvement to remove it indeed...for now just tried to make things as explicit as possible, so also mapping where functions come from looked like a good idea.

Yes, this is the number of spectra. Are you matching all of them in < 5min?

jorainer commented 1 year ago

well, yes, I'm running the 7897 query spectra against all 289429 target spectra in a little less than 5 minutes - that's why I was asking if that is what you considered slow. How long does it take for you to run the same data set?

Adafede commented 1 year ago

Hmmmm interesting.

Well, I guess we should split things:

With such a big MGF, loading it is what takes the most time.

In the example above, loading the target MGF took 5 minutes. For this reason, what I was doing was converting it to SQL once to then always access it faster.

The matching part I just re-did takes also ± 3 minutes (with params_1) (12minutes with params_2). So something around 17 in total.

While doing it with https://github.com/mandelbrot-project/spectral_lib_matcher , first thing I do is the same, saving the big MGF once as pickle to access it faster later on, and the whole process (loading + matching) takes 2 minutes (approx 1 minute loading + cleaning and 1 minute matching).

I somehow got the feeling there is some kind of "sweet spot" between loading slow with MGFBackend but then matching faster and loading with SQLBackend but matching slower. I probably was overseeing things as I did not think of mixing both. Might it be that the most efficient solution is an hybrid: loading as SQL, MSBackendMemory as suggested above (which I did not think about until now), and then matching?

jorainer commented 1 year ago

Ah, well, let's not mix things. I would here first focus on the matching itself - once the data is loaded. Yes, importing from Mgf takes a long time, but let's fix that later. Also, I would first focus on one matching parameter only. the different versions have different performance, but that's obvious (e.g. the forward reverse needs to run each query twice).

I will try to tune a bit and then post the results here.

jorainer commented 1 year ago

OK, first performance check. Below data import (query and target were downloaded first with the scripts above) and settings.


query <- Spectra("query.mgf", source = MsBackendMgf())
target <- Spectra("target.mgf", source = MsBackendMgf())

csp <- CompareSpectraParam(
    ppm = 10,
    tolerance = 0.02,
    requirePrecursor = TRUE,
    THRESHFUN = function(x) {
        which(x >= 0.6)

query has 7897 spectra, target 289429. With Bioconductor 3.16 (Spectra 1.9.0 and MetaboAnnotation 1.3.0):

    matchSpectra(query, target, param = csp),
    times = 5
Unit: seconds
                                     expr      min       lq    mean   median
 matchSpectra(query, target, param = csp) 361.4349 364.0958 374.273 368.2352
       uq      max neval
 388.1526 389.4467     5

Takes thus about 6 minutes - not ideal.

The same using using Spectra version 1.9.8 and MetaboAnnotation 1.3.1: 2 minutes.

Unit: seconds
                                     expr      min       lq     mean   median
 matchSpectra(query, target, param = csp) 113.8469 116.7591 116.9893 117.0349
       uq      max neval
 117.1121 120.1934     5

Next I'll check some different backends.

jorainer commented 1 year ago


Comparing the Spectra with the MsBackendMgf (that extends the old MsBackendDataFrame) against a Spectra that uses the new MsBackendMemory backend.

query_mem <- setBackend(query, MsBackendMemory())
target_mem <- setBackend(target, MsBackendMemory())

    matchSpectra(query, target, param = csp),
    matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp),
    times = 5
Unit: seconds
                                             expr       min        lq      mean
         matchSpectra(query, target, param = csp) 111.91539 112.43313 113.15299
 matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp)  38.16337  38.20958  38.83991
    median       uq       max neval cld
 112.96618 113.1283 115.32199     5   b
  38.54426  39.1217  40.16063     5  a 

40 seconds to match 7897 spectra against 289429 doesn't sound too bad :)

Adafede commented 1 year ago

So from 361.4349 to 38.16337... very impressive! More or less the factor 10 that was missing! ❤️

jorainer commented 1 year ago


The MsBackendSql stores all data (spectra and peak variables) in an SQL database and keeps only the primary keys in memory. It has thus a minimal memory footprint, but any data access requires an SQL call. Backends such as the MsBackendMassbankSql and the backend for CompoundDb use a similar approach. Below we change the backend of query and target to MsBackendSql and use it for the matching.

query_sql <- setBackend(query, MsBackendSql(),
                        dbcon = dbConnect(SQLite(), tempfile()))
target_sql <- setBackend(query, MsBackendSql(),
                         dbcon = dbConnect(SQLite(), tempfile()))

    matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp),
    matchSpectra(query_sql, target_sql, param = csp),
    matchSpectra(query_mem, target_sql, param = csp),
    times = 5
Unit: seconds
                                             expr       min        lq      mean
 matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp)  37.92803  37.96435  38.91230
 matchSpectra(query_sql, target_sql, param = csp) 111.53190 113.52418 114.61208
 matchSpectra(query_mem, target_sql, param = csp)  80.01782  85.71989  87.47057
    median        uq       max neval cld
  38.85945  39.27129  40.53840     5 a  
 113.63851 116.74236 117.62345     5  b 
  86.63616  89.53183  95.44714     5   c

Using a MsBackendSql seems to be slower. We can however cache the precursor m/z values locally in the object which avoids an SQL call each time the filter for the precursor m/z values is performed (since we're using requirePrecursor = TRUE):

target_sql_cache <- target_sql
target_sql_cache$precursorMz <- precursorMz(target_sql)

    matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp),
    matchSpectra(query_mem, target_sql, param = csp),
    matchSpectra(query_mem, target_sql_cache, param = csp),
    times = 5
Unit: seconds
                                                   expr      min       lq
       matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp) 37.87346 38.57227
       matchSpectra(query_mem, target_sql, param = csp) 81.52800 82.24072
 matchSpectra(query_mem, target_sql_cache, param = csp) 26.83169 26.98097
     mean   median       uq      max neval cld
 39.05091 38.84499 39.27651 40.68732     5 a  
 85.00327 84.26290 84.39204 92.59269     5  b 
 27.85493 27.26821 28.12350 30.07026     5   c

We can gain another 10 seconds with this trick. The reason is that for each query spectrum target is filtered/subset to those spectra with matching precursor m/z, and this operation is faster for a MsBackendSql than for a MsBackendMemory because only the primary keys and precursor m/z values need to be subset for the former (instead of the full data).

jorainer commented 1 year ago

Parallel processing

Parallel processing can also help to improve the performance of matchSpectra - but again, it depends on the used backend as not all backends support parallel processing (such as the MsBackendSql that currently does not support it). Below we check performance for 1, 2, 3 and 4 CPUs.

p2 <- MulticoreParam(2)
p3 <- MulticoreParam(3)
p4 <- MulticoreParam(4)
    matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp, BPPARAM = SerialParam()),
    matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp, BPPARAM = p2),
    matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp, BPPARAM = p3),
    matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp, BPPARAM = p4),
    times = 5
Unit: seconds
 matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp, BPPARAM = SerialParam())
            matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp, BPPARAM = p2)
            matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp, BPPARAM = p3)
            matchSpectra(query_mem, target_mem, param = csp, BPPARAM = p4)
      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval  cld
 37.31365 38.12915 38.62866 39.01555 39.06048 39.62445     5 a   
 22.31075 22.33289 22.92925 22.73671 23.46847 23.79745     5  b  
 16.65630 16.99816 17.71939 18.04966 18.38344 18.50940     5   c 
 13.57029 13.57957 14.35026 14.30086 14.76527 15.53531     5    d

Thus, parallel processing can improve performance.

jorainer commented 1 year ago


Next to the settings used for the spectral matching, using a more efficient MsBackend (such as MsBackendMemory) can improve performance of matchSpectra considerably.

jorainer commented 8 months ago

I'm keeping this issue open because I think it provides some nice examples how to improve matching performance.