rformassspectrometry / Spectra

Low level infrastructure to handle MS spectra
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`bin` function *create* peaks of intensity 0 #303

Closed philouail closed 7 months ago

philouail commented 7 months ago

The bin function when used in combination with combineSpectra will create peaks of intensity 0. This as for consequence to overload memory on big dataset, and instead of decreasing the complexity of spectra, it will increases it.

Here is a reproducible example:

> data <- readMsExperiment(system.file("microtofq", "MM14.mzML", package = "msdata"))

> bps <- spectra(data[1]) |>
+     combineSpectra(intensityFun = max, ppm = 5)

> lengths(bps)
[1] 82696

> bps_bin <- spectra(data[1]) |>
+     bin(binSize = 0.01) |> 
+     combineSpectra(intensityFun = max, ppm = 10) 

> lengths(bps_bin)
[1] 90601

So 8,000 peaks were created

> tbl <- bps |>
+     intensity()
> sum(tbl == 0)
> tbl_bin <- bps_bin |>
+     intensity()  
> sum(tbl_bin==0)

I think the function could be changed by dropping peaks of intensity 0.

jorainer commented 7 months ago

Actually, I think the issue is the bin function itself:

> lengths(spectra(data)) |> head()
[1] 1378 1356 1404 1496 1525 1498
> res <- bin(spectra(data), binSize = 0.01)
[1] 91100 91100 91100 91100 91100 91100

So, I would suggest the fix should go into bin. Maybe with an additional parameter dropZero = FALSE that, if set to TRUE drops all 0 intensity peaks. For the name of the parameter, I'm not quite sure if that dropZero is the best choice. Maybe zero.rm (similar to na.rm)?

jorainer commented 7 months ago

My reasoning why I think adding a parameter instead of just removing zero-intensity peaks by default: the current default would allow to directly rbind the intensity values returned by bin,Spectra which again would allow simple visualizations of multiple spectra at once or to use e.g. standard similarity scoring on such matrices (see here) for an example).

philouail commented 7 months ago

Hi @jorainer so this were my ideas to fix it. I tried to mimic the environment of the .peaks_bin function but i am honestly not super sure this is accurate. I kind of struggled to get a proper input to test the function. So we can discuss it maybe.

## Define example intensities and m/z values
ints <- abs(rnorm(20, mean = 40))
mz <- seq(1:length(ints)) + rnorm(length(ints), sd = 0.001)

## variable that mimic how it is used in the .peaks_bin function
breaks <-  seq(floor(min(ints)), ceiling(max(ints)))
FUN <- .Primitive("sum")
zero.rm = TRUE
mids <- (breaks[-length(breaks)] + breaks[-1L]) / 2

## Bin intensities by m/z bins with a bin size of 1
bins <- bin(ints, mz, size = 1, breaks = breaks, returnMids = FALSE, FUN = FUN)
bins[4:6] <- c(12343,5343,345656) #just making it a bit more complex

#### OPTION 1#####
keep <- which(bins != 0)
cbind(mz = mids[keep], intensity = bins[keep])

#### OPTION 2#####
res <- cbind(mz = mids, intensity = bins)
    res <- res[res[ ,"intensity"] != 0, ]
jorainer commented 7 months ago

For the test data, you could use the sciex_pks variable defined in testthat.R (i.e. you would have that variable available for your unit test). Your suggested implementations would be:

## Define the test data variable (done in testthat.R)
sciex_file <- normalizePath(
    dir(system.file("sciex", package = "msdata"), full.names = TRUE))
sciex_mzr <- backendInitialize(MsBackendMzR(), files = sciex_file)
sciex_pks <- peaksData(sciex_mzr)

## Define breaks
breaks <- seq(0, 1000, by = 0.01)
mids <- (breaks[-length(breaks)] + breaks[-1L]) / 2

## Original
.peaks_bin <- function(x, spectrumMsLevel, binSize = 1L,
                       breaks = seq(floor(min(x[, 1])),
                                    ceiling(max(x[, 1])),
                                    by = binSize),
                       agg_fun = sum,
                       msLevel = spectrumMsLevel, ...) {
    if (!(spectrumMsLevel %in% msLevel))
    bins <- MsCoreUtils::bin(x[, 2], x[, 1], size = binSize, breaks = breaks,
                             FUN = agg_fun, returnMids = FALSE)
    cbind(mz = mids, intensity = bins)

## Option 1
.peaks_bin2 <- function(x, spectrumMsLevel, binSize = 1L,
                       breaks = seq(floor(min(x[, 1])),
                                    ceiling(max(x[, 1])),
                                    by = binSize),
                       agg_fun = sum,
                       msLevel = spectrumMsLevel, zero.rm = FALSE, ...) {
    if (!(spectrumMsLevel %in% msLevel))
    bins <- MsCoreUtils::bin(x[, 2], x[, 1], size = binSize, breaks = breaks,
                             FUN = agg_fun, returnMids = FALSE)
    if (zero.rm) {
      keep <- which(bins != 0)
      cbind(mz = mids[keep], intensity = bins[keep])
    } else cbind(mz = mids, intensity = bins)

## Option 2
.peaks_bin3 <- function(x, spectrumMsLevel, binSize = 1L,
                       breaks = seq(floor(min(x[, 1])),
                                    ceiling(max(x[, 1])),
                                    by = binSize),
                       agg_fun = sum,
                       msLevel = spectrumMsLevel, zero.rm = FALSE, ...) {
    if (!(spectrumMsLevel %in% msLevel))
    bins <- MsCoreUtils::bin(x[, 2], x[, 1], size = binSize, breaks = breaks,
                             FUN = agg_fun, returnMids = FALSE)
    res <- cbind(mz = mids, intensity = bins)
    if (zero.rm)
        res[bins != 0, , drop = FALSE]
    else res

Just checking which would be more efficient:


    .peaks_bin(sciex_pks[[1]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1, msLevel = 1, mids = mids),
    .peaks_bin2(sciex_pks[[1]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1, msLevel = 1, mids = mids, zero.rm = FALSE),
    .peaks_bin2(sciex_pks[[1]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1, msLevel = 1, mids = mids, zero.rm = TRUE),
    .peaks_bin3(sciex_pks[[1]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1, msLevel = 1, mids = mids, zero.rm = TRUE)
Unit: microseconds
                   .peaks_bin(sciex_pks[[1]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1,      msLevel = 1, mids = mids)
 .peaks_bin2(sciex_pks[[1]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1,      msLevel = 1, mids = mids, zero.rm = FALSE)
  .peaks_bin2(sciex_pks[[1]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1,      msLevel = 1, mids = mids, zero.rm = TRUE)
  .peaks_bin3(sciex_pks[[1]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1,      msLevel = 1, mids = mids, zero.rm = TRUE)
     min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval cld
 426.687 441.3045 523.0643 445.7690 467.9520 2731.169   100  a 
 420.282 440.3010 534.4374 448.2640 469.2735 2777.107   100  a 
 465.947 472.8575 527.9308 479.0605 500.5770 2724.102   100  a 
 562.940 583.8230 692.7686 593.2280 617.8420 2754.945   100   b

Seems option 1 is faster.

Just testing that on another spectrum with more peaks.

[1] 578
[1] 4088

    .peaks_bin(sciex_pks[[1705]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1, msLevel = 1, mids = mids),
    .peaks_bin2(sciex_pks[[1705]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1, msLevel = 1, mids = mids, zero.rm = FALSE),
    .peaks_bin2(sciex_pks[[1705]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1, msLevel = 1, mids = mids, zero.rm = TRUE),
    .peaks_bin3(sciex_pks[[1705]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1, msLevel = 1, mids = mids, zero.rm = TRUE)
                   .peaks_bin(sciex_pks[[1705]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1,      msLevel = 1, mids = mids)
 .peaks_bin2(sciex_pks[[1705]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1,      msLevel = 1, mids = mids, zero.rm = FALSE)
  .peaks_bin2(sciex_pks[[1705]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1,      msLevel = 1, mids = mids, zero.rm = TRUE)
  .peaks_bin3(sciex_pks[[1705]], breaks = breaks, spectrumMsLevel = 1,      msLevel = 1, mids = mids, zero.rm = TRUE)
      min       lq     mean    median       uq      max neval cld
  916.639  948.770 1025.506  966.5760 1004.583 3386.702   100  a 
  922.674  945.291 1079.206  963.2435 1003.422 3860.321   100  a 
  952.343  987.816 1049.582 1008.9185 1045.494 3422.146   100  a 
 1072.307 1099.709 1219.720 1119.6805 1161.226 3389.441   100   b

Thus, I would be OK with your proposed option 1. Also, seems that by adding that additional variable and the related additional if condition, we are not slowing down the function - which is good.