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RMarkdown template, ggplot2 theme, and table function for OMNI Institute
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Reporting template in Word #84

Open OskaratOmni opened 1 month ago

OskaratOmni commented 1 month ago

Hey @dgkeyes and @tvroylandt Can you please start on a word version of that same template that you finished for pdf last week?

If there are certain design elements of the template that are difficult to reproduce in Word then please let me know. There is definitely some flexibility if needed.

Let me know how goes and/or if there are any questions along the way.


tvroylandt commented 1 month ago

Hi Oskar, what's your timeline for this one ? I don't have a lot of bandwidth of the next weeks so it may take some time to be done

OskaratOmni commented 1 month ago

Hey @tvroylandt , thanks for asking about that. I understand that you probably have a lot going on.

Do you think you could get to it in mid-June? Or even by the end of June?

We can certainly be flexible.

tvroylandt commented 1 month ago

Ok, that should be fine for end of June. Thanks for your understanding

tvroylandt commented 3 weeks ago

I did an init version of this. To be honest we have a lot less available options with Word than with HTML/PDF and it's a lot more difficult to style things.

OskaratOmni commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @tvroylandt , thanks! That makes sense. I kind of suspected that there would be some difficulties making an exact replica of the template for Word. We can definitely make some compromises with the Word version and just get reasonably close.

How do I view the init version? Did you push it to main already and I'll see it if I update the OMNI package?

tvroylandt commented 3 weeks ago

Everything is in main as word_report_new

OskaratOmni commented 1 week ago

@tvroylandt , when I experiment with this, the header doesn't show up. It looks like both the font and the background are reading as white, perhaps. I can set the background to blue inside Word and it will show up.

I know it is quite difficult to style as specifically in Word. So if we need to re-think this template, that's of course fine and we can discuss compromises that cover some but not all of the design elements in the pdf.

Attached is what the knitted output looks like on my end. new_word_test.docx image

tvroylandt commented 1 week ago

The section with columns create a conflict with the title page. If you remove the two lines to create multi columns layout, this works

tvroylandt commented 1 week ago

I'm trying to figure out how to make both working together but I have not solution right now