rfresh2 / XaeroPlus

Xaero WorldMap / Minimap Extra Features
MIT License
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[Suggestion] Make waystone waypoints permanent #109

Closed adamk33n3r closed 6 months ago

adamk33n3r commented 6 months ago

Making them temporary seems a little weird. I would like the option to keep them all even if I log out.

rfresh2 commented 6 months ago

I don't think there's any benefit to making them permanent, so I'm not planning on doing this.

Benefits of being temporary:

  1. Waystones that are removed can be easily sync'd on reconnects
  2. Any bugs or issues in the syncing can be resolved after reconnects
  3. Settings like XaeroPlus has for waystones being in their own waypoint set can take effect on reconnects
  4. The Waystone waypoints are easily distinguished from player-made waypoints

The only benefit to permanent waypoints I can think of is if you want to remove XaeroPlus after you sync the waystones?

adamk33n3r commented 6 months ago

I think I may have misunderstood how the sync worked, I didn't realize it would re-add them on login. I agree with your benefits there, thanks for that!