rfresh2 / XaeroPlus

Xaero WorldMap / Minimap Extra Features
MIT License
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Idea about Mod compatibility with Fabric Seasons #97

Open sternschnaube opened 7 months ago

sternschnaube commented 7 months ago


Using this mod and putting the cooldown down leads to alltime map refreshes. My idea would be, add another 4 map types to the normal version.

If the mod with a season is detected, it switches to the season map from it. With this, you avoid countless map refreshes 😄

I like to hear your opinion about this. Keep up the great work with XaeroPlus 🥳

rfresh2 commented 7 months ago

I understand the problem but the solution isn't simple. There aren't a concept of "map types" in xaero's. You can manually switch between multiple maps per server but only one is active at a time (i.e. data is actually written and read).

There might be a way to store and render the block colors dynamically based on the season but it would be a bit tricky to do.

sternschnaube commented 7 months ago

Do you think that multiple map switching could be the way? That only one is active is absolutely fine - but automatical switching would be great. Option to switch it to manual.

Your second point sounds interesting - it would also reduce (a lot) storage, since you have only one map.

rfresh2 commented 7 months ago

Do you think that multiple map switching could be the way

Nope. It wouldn't be a very good user experience if the map is constantly missing chunks whenever seasons change.

sternschnaube commented 7 months ago

You have to run and unlock the areas multiple times - but that's something the user should decide in the end. It would be at least a better behaviour than multiple refreshes from the main map.

A way to convert / save the data dynamically would be the best.