rfvgyhn / min-ed-launcher

Minimal Elite Dangerous Launcher
MIT License
252 stars 9 forks source link

having trouble launching horizons 4.0 through min ED launcher (Epic games) #59

Closed LXSTWXRDEN closed 1 year ago

LXSTWXRDEN commented 1 year ago

Hi. After installing horizons 4.0 and your launcher, I'm having trouble launching through it. I did everything according to the instructions for Epic and Windows. The problem is that the game does not start through the minimum louncer. I will attach the log as well. I would be grateful for your help in solving this problem.

Log min ed launcher:

2022-09-22 17:11:39.967 +03:00 [INF] Elite Runtime Platform: Epic CobraBay Version: 0.4.6725.0 Products Dir: N:\EliteDangerous\Products 2022-09-22 17:11:40.814 +03:00 [DBG] Requesting epic token 2022-09-22 17:11:41.518 +03:00 [DBG] Requesting epic token success 2022-09-22 17:11:41.540 +03:00 [DBG] Authenticating via Epic 2022-09-22 17:11:42.457 +03:00 [DBG] Successfully authenticated 2022-09-22 17:11:42.463 +03:00 [INF] Logged in via Epic as: Oleg Truskov 2022-09-22 17:11:42.463 +03:00 [DBG] Getting authorized products 2022-09-22 17:11:43.668 +03:00 [DBG] Purchases Response: {"purchases":[{"colour":"#f07b05","filter":"ed","directory":"elite-dangerous-64","serverargs":"","gameargs":"SeasonOne","sortkey":"06","product_name":"Elite Dangerous","product_sku":"FORC-FDEV-D-1010","template":"http://hosting.zaonce.net/launcher/elite/en.html"},{"colour":"#f07b05","filter":"eda","directory":"elite-dangerous-64","serverargs":"","gameargs":"CQCArena","sortkey":"20","product_name":"Elite Dangerous: Arena","product_sku":"FORC-FDEV-D-1012","template":"http://hosting.zaonce.net/launcher/elite-dangerous-arena/en.html"},{"colour":"#f07b05","filter":"ed","directory":"COMBAT_TUTORIAL_DEMO","serverargs":"","gameargs":"","sortkey":"30","product_name":"Single Player Combat Training","product_sku":"COMBAT_TUTORIAL_DEMO","template":"http://hosting.zaonce.net/launcher/elite/en.html"},{"colour":"#0a8bd6","filter":"edh","directory":"elite-dangerous-64","serverargs":"","gameargs":"","sortkey":"05","product_name":"Elite Dangerous: Horizons","product_sku":"FORC-FDEV-D-1013","template":"http://hosting.zaonce.net/launcher/elite-dangerous-horizons/en.html"},{"colour":"#f07b05","filter":"ed","directory":"elite-dangerous-odyssey-64","serverargs":"","gameargs":"SeasonTwo","sortkey":"04","product_name":"Elite Dangerous: Horizons (4.0)","product_sku":"FORC-FDEV-DO-38-IN-40","template":"http://hosting.zaonce.net/launcher/elite/en.html"}]} 2022-09-22 17:11:43.694 +03:00 [DBG] Authorized Products: Elite Dangerous: Horizons (4.0),Elite Dangerous: Horizons,Elite Dangerous,Elite Dangerous: Arena,Single Player Combat Training 2022-09-22 17:11:43.694 +03:00 [INF] Checking for updates 2022-09-22 17:11:43.702 +03:00 [DBG] Disabling 'Single Player Combat Training'. Unable to find product at 'N:\EliteDangerous\Products\COMBAT_TUTORIAL_DEMO\VersionInfo.txt'

rfvgyhn commented 1 year ago

Is that a full run of the log file? It seems to be missing the first line which should look like [INF] Elite Dangerous: Minimal Launcher - [version]. It also seems like there should be more lines at the end (unless it just crashes without writing more).

LXSTWXRDEN commented 1 year ago

Args: [|"/Epic"; "-AUTH_LOGIN=unused"; "-AUTH_PASSWORD=d3d...f4d"; "-AUTH_TYPE=exchangecode"; "-epicapp=9c2...593"; "-epicenv=Prod"; "-EpicPortal"; "/autorun"; "/autoquit"; "/EDH"; "-epicusername=Weedmanov"; "-epicuserid=792...8dd"; "-epiclocale=ru"; "-epicsandboxid=3db...ac1"|] OS: Win64 Env:

2022-09-23 19:49:51.940 +03:00 [DBG] Reading settings from 'C:\Users\Олег\AppData\Local\min-ed-launcher\settings.json' 2022-09-23 19:49:52.520 +03:00 [DBG] Settings: Ok { Platform = Epic { ExchangeCode = "d3d...f4d" Type = "exchangecode" AppId = "9c2...593" } DisplayMode = Pancake AutoRun = true AutoQuit = true WatchForCrashes = false ProductWhitelist = seq ["edh"] ForceLocal = true CompatTool = None CbLauncherDir = "N:\EliteDangerous\" PreferredLanguage = None ApiUri = https://api.zaonce.net/ Restart = None AutoUpdate = true MaxConcurrentDownloads = 4 ForceUpdate = set [] Processes = [] FilterOverrides = seq [[FORC-FDEV-DO-1000, edo]; [FORC-FDEV-DO-38-IN-40, edh4]] } 2022-09-23 19:49:52.534 +03:00 [INF] Elite Runtime Platform: Epic CobraBay Version: 0.4.6725.0 Products Dir: N:\EliteDangerous\Products 2022-09-23 19:49:53.524 +03:00 [DBG] Requesting epic token 2022-09-23 19:49:55.124 +03:00 [DBG] Requesting epic token success 2022-09-23 19:49:55.144 +03:00 [DBG] Authenticating via Epic 2022-09-23 19:49:56.068 +03:00 [DBG] Successfully authenticated 2022-09-23 19:49:56.073 +03:00 [INF] Logged in via Epic as: Oleg Truskov 2022-09-23 19:49:56.073 +03:00 [DBG] Getting authorized products 2022-09-23 19:49:57.327 +03:00 [DBG] Purchases Response: {"purchases":[{"colour":"#f07b05","filter":"ed","directory":"elite-dangerous-64","serverargs":"","gameargs":"SeasonOne","sortkey":"06","product_name":"Elite Dangerous","product_sku":"FORC-FDEV-D-1010","template":"http://hosting.zaonce.net/launcher/elite/en.html"},{"colour":"#f07b05","filter":"eda","directory":"elite-dangerous-64","serverargs":"","gameargs":"CQCArena","sortkey":"20","product_name":"Elite Dangerous: Arena","product_sku":"FORC-FDEV-D-1012","template":"http://hosting.zaonce.net/launcher/elite-dangerous-arena/en.html"},{"colour":"#f07b05","filter":"ed","directory":"COMBAT_TUTORIAL_DEMO","serverargs":"","gameargs":"","sortkey":"30","product_name":"Single Player Combat Training","product_sku":"COMBAT_TUTORIAL_DEMO","template":"http://hosting.zaonce.net/launcher/elite/en.html"},{"colour":"#0a8bd6","filter":"edh","directory":"elite-dangerous-64","serverargs":"","gameargs":"","sortkey":"05","product_name":"Elite Dangerous: Horizons","product_sku":"FORC-FDEV-D-1013","template":"http://hosting.zaonce.net/launcher/elite-dangerous-horizons/en.html"},{"colour":"#f07b05","filter":"ed","directory":"elite-dangerous-odyssey-64","serverargs":"","gameargs":"SeasonTwo","sortkey":"04","product_name":"Elite Dangerous: Horizons (4.0)","product_sku":"FORC-FDEV-DO-38-IN-40","template":"http://hosting.zaonce.net/launcher/elite/en.html"}]} 2022-09-23 19:49:57.350 +03:00 [DBG] Authorized Products: Elite Dangerous: Horizons (4.0),Elite Dangerous: Horizons,Elite Dangerous,Elite Dangerous: Arena,Single Player Combat Training 2022-09-23 19:49:57.350 +03:00 [INF] Checking for updates 2022-09-23 19:49:57.353 +03:00 [DBG] Disabling 'Elite Dangerous: Horizons (4.0)'. Unable to find product at 'N:\EliteDangerous\Products\FORC-FDEV-DO-38-IN-40\VersionInfo.txt' 2022-09-23 19:49:57.360 +03:00 [DBG] Disabling 'Single Player Combat Training'. Unable to find product at 'N:\EliteDangerous\Products\COMBAT_TUTORIAL_DEMO\VersionInfo.txt' 2022-09-23 19:50:00.976 +03:00 [INF] Available Products: Elite Dangerous: Horizons FORC-FDEV-D-1013 Up to Date Elite Dangerous FORC-FDEV-D-1010 Up to Date Elite Dangerous: Arena FORC-FDEV-D-1012 Up to Date

IT IS ALL LOG FOR ED HORIZONS 3.8 (For example). I have the same problem for ED HORIZONS 4.0, but I deleted it today.

rfvgyhn commented 1 year ago

It's hard to say. There are no WARN or ERR messages in the log file and it ends at different points in the launch process so I can't really tell why it's crashing.

If you remove the /autoquit flag, does it show any additional info compared to the log file?

rfvgyhn commented 1 year ago

Closing since no response. Feel free to re-open if you can provide more info.

CmdrHope commented 1 year ago

Ok, continuing #66 here.

Does the launcher just quit or does it just stop writing to the log file?

The Epic Games Launcher starts, then a terminal window of the min-ed-launcher shortly opens and closes again, then the Epic Games Launcher stays open and shows the launch button for Elite Dangerous. Clicking the launch button just opens and closes the terminal window again.

Does it always fail in the same spot?

Yes, it does.

Does it have the same issue if you remove the /autorun flag?

Yes, it does.

Which version of wine are you using?


Which lutris installer did you use? I couldn't get any of the provided ones to work and had to cobble together my own. It's possible there's some wine environment difference that I don't have locally.

I used the lutris_0.5.11_all.deb they released on their github page.

What game options do you have setup in lutris?

Pretty much the defaults but I disabled Fsync, FSR and GameMode.

I added some additional logging. Can you try the CI build and post the new log?

Ok, here it is: min-ed-launcher.log First I did a run /autorun and then another without.

rfvgyhn commented 1 year ago

I used the lutris_0.5.11_all.deb they released on their github page

I wasn't clear on that. I meant which installer (yaml/json) for Elite did you use? Lutris has three Epic installers for Elite on their site.

Another user looks to have a similar issue (#67) and I think it's fixed with this build. Can you try that?

Also, which version of windows is wine configured as? I think I ran into issues in the past when it was windows 10, but windows 7 worked.

CmdrHope commented 1 year ago

Ok, right after I have sent my last comment I tried a different wine version (lutris-6.21-6-x86_64) again, which definitely didn't work last week when I opened #66. But now it starts Elite Dangerous just fine. Then I tried the newer build which starts fine, too. Then I switched the wine version back to lutris-7.2-2-x86_64 and starting Elite Dangerous fails again. However setting the wine configuration to windows 7 works on lutris-7.2-2-x86_64 and then it starts the game again!

One little issue remains, after exiting Elite Dangerous the process stays open, so /autoquit doesn't seem to work properly. But that seems like a minor issue.

Finally I can run EDH4 on my Epic Account, too! Yeah! Thank you, great work!

rfvgyhn commented 1 year ago

@CmdrHope FYI, the shutdown issue is fixed by 72219398f72a9aab2262012f3e16f7ed0db25051. Will be available in the next release.