rfxcom2mqtt / backend

Rfxcom2mqtt backend
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Add discovery for rfxcom type security1 #6

Open sguernion opened 5 months ago

sguernion commented 5 months ago

the "security1" type is not yet supported for topic discovery

for more details on parameters see lib rfxcom https://github.com/rfxcom/node-rfxcom/blob/12999d4f2946402cb9636392e0775b30de7a2e0a/lib/security1.js#L34

. here's an example for the sensor: Kerui (d026) sensor

topic: homeassistant_domoticz/binary_sensor/0x09D0/config

{ "name" : "X10_door_sensor", "value_template": "{{ value_json.deviceStatus | int(0) }}", "state_topic": "rfxcom2mqtt/devices/0x09D0", "unique_id": "x10_door_binary_sensor", "payload_off": "0", "payload_on": "2", "device_class": "garage_door" }