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Engineer - TeamDetails Query - Handle NoResultsError #4

Open rgarfield11 opened 4 months ago

rgarfield11 commented 4 months ago

Based on the stack trace provided, the error is an Ecto.NoResultsError, which is raised when an Ecto query is expected to return at least one result but returns none. The stack trace points to a query attempt to find a Prodops.Teams.TeamDetail with an id of "20".

The relevant piece of code from the stack trace:

from t0 in Prodops.Teams.TeamDetail,
  where: t0.id == ^"20"

This indicates that the system is trying to fetch a TeamDetail record with the specific id of "20", but there is no record in the database with such an id. The Ecto.NoResultsError error could be a result of different underlying issues:

  1. There really is no TeamDetail record with the id "20" in the database, which means the data is missing, or there may be some inconsistency.
  2. The id "20" is being referenced in another part of the system that assumes the existence of this TeamDetail, but it was never created or was deleted at some point.
  3. The application might be pointing to an incorrect or outdated database environment where this record does not exist, while it exists in another environment (such as production vs. staging).
  4. There could also be a logical error in the application code where the id is being mistakenly set to "20" when it should be another value.

From the code samples provided, the module Prodops.TeamDetails seems to define the context in which TeamDetail records are managed. You would need to ensure that the records are being created successfully and the id is being correctly referenced throughout the application.

If this error is causing a crash, handling this exception should be considered, as there might be scenarios where this is a valid state (e.g., if a resource has been deleted or not yet created). It is important to handle this exception gracefully by either returning a user-friendly error message or performing an alternative operation to continue processing without interruption.

created by stuart.page+demos@revelry.co using Prodops

rgarfield11 commented 4 months ago

Given the context of the problem, which is handling Ecto.NoResultsError when a Prodops.Teams.TeamDetail record with a specific id does not exist, you could modify the Prodops.TeamDetails.get_team_detail! function to handle such an error more gracefully. Instead of using Repo.get!, which raises an error, use Repo.get and handle the case of nil (no result found) manually.

Here's how you could adjust the Prodops.TeamDetails.get_team_detail! function:

defmodule Prodops.TeamDetails do

  @spec get_team_detail!(String.t()) :: TeamDetail.t() | nil
  def get_team_detail!(id) do
    case Repo.get(TeamDetail, id) do
      nil -> 
        # You can choose to return a nil or a custom error message
        # Or possibly a no-result sentinel value that the caller can handle

        # Option 1: return nil

        # Option 2: handle an error in your application
        # You could log the error here if necessary
        # {:error, "No team detail found with the given ID"}

        # Option 3: return a sentinel value that indicates no result was found
        # %TeamDetail{}
      team_detail -> team_detail


Then in the ProdopsWeb.TeamLive.Details where the get_team_detail! function is likely called, you would adapt the code to handle the return value properly. For example:

defmodule ProdopsWeb.TeamLive.Details do

  @impl true
  def handle_params(_params, _session, socket) do
    team_id = socket.assigns.team.id
    case TeamDetails.get_team_detail!(team_id) do
      nil ->
        # If no details are found, decide on your application's behavior.
        # Option 1: Show an empty state message, as with the projects.
        |> assign(:empty?, true)
        |> assign(:team, nil)
        |> assign(:page_title, "Details: team details not found")
      team_detail ->
        # Handle the case where details are found.
        |> assign(:empty?, false)
        |> assign(:team, team_detail.team)
        |> assign(:page_title, "Details: #{team_detail.team.name} team details")

    # You might end up with {:noreply, socket} or some other piece of logic here.


Remember to apply the appropriate pattern matching or control flow around wherever get_team_detail! is called, so it handles both cases (when a TeamDetail record is found and when it's not). Depending on your use case, you could also return a tuple like {:ok, team_detail} or {:error, reason} which can be pattern matched in the calling function for more standardized error handling.

created by stuart.page+demos@revelry.co using Prodops