rgb-archive / spec

[OLD!] RGB Protocol specifications for Bitcoin-based digital assets
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Remove maxfeepercent limit in RGB lightning implementation #64

Open fedsten opened 5 years ago

fedsten commented 5 years ago

c-lightning has a limit on the max fee a user can pay, in order to prevent the payer from paying a fee several times greater than the actual payment. In particular, the maxfeepercent value has to be between 0 and 100, making impossible to pay a fee greater than the value of the payment.

In RGB, this would slightly affect the payment experience, as it requires the user to (i) send some extra satoshis to the counterparty, even if she does not want to, in order to keep the fee percent between the allowed values and (ii) always have some extra satoshis in the channel, in order to avoid ending up with the tokens blocked due to inability to transfer enough satoshis.

Even if this is a minor issue, I think it would still be good to remove this limit or make it more flexible in an RGB lightning implementation.

ZmnSCPxj commented 4 years ago

Users can override maxfeepercent by raising the exemptfee parameter. Any payment smaller than exemptfee will have maxfeepercent ignored.

dr-orlovsky commented 3 years ago

@ZmnSCPxj just notice your comment; this repository and spec are outdated and abandoned: the whole dev is happening here: https://github.com/LNP-BP/LNPBPs (Standards), https://github.com/LNP-BP/rust-lnpbp (Library), https://github.com/LNP-BP/rgb-node (Node)