rgbdemo / nestk

C++ Library for Kinect
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Freenect grabber not working anymore in rgbd-viewer #14

Open nburrus opened 12 years ago

nburrus commented 12 years ago

davide david.ferstl@gmail.com via googlegroups.com

to rgbdemo Hi everyone,

I tried to calibrate my kinect with libfreenect backend but I could not get the viewer running with freenect backend (although I started it with ./rgbd-viewer --freenect). It always starts with openni and the ir image could not be shown in the viewer. I've looked in the software files and I could not find a create function for freenect the file rgbd_graber_factory.cpp only manages:

    createKin4winGrabbers(params, grabbers);
    createOpenniGrabbers(params, grabbers);
    createPmdGrabbers(params, grabbers);
    createSoftKineticGrabbers(params, grabbers);

and no freenect grabber.

I'm using the newest version of RGB-Demo 26045e12a3 from the git repository downloaded with "git clone --recursive git://github.com/nburrus/rgbdemo.git" compiled on Linux Mint 12 Lisa.

Thanks for your help in advance,

ghost commented 11 years ago

I am working on the freenect backend and it works. It might be a freenect version specific issue, see the issue I started.