rgbkrk / chatlab

⚡️🧪 Fast LLM Tool Calling Experimentation, big and smol
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Exceptions from function calls break the chat #140

Open cvaske opened 8 months ago

cvaske commented 8 months ago


I wanted to continue a chat even after a function had generated an exception.

What I Did

import chatlab

def add_two_numbers(a: float, b: float) -> float:
    """Add two numbers together. Raises an exception when the numbers are in the wrong order."""
    if b < a:
        return a + b
    raise Exception("I can't do math")

chat = chatlab.Chat(model=chatlab.models.GPT_4_0125_PREVIEW, chat_functions=[add_two_numbers])
await chat("Please add 1 + 2 for me")

This generates the exception:

Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[11], line 10
      7     raise Exception("I can't do math")
      9 chat = chatlab.Chat(model=chatlab.models.GPT_4_0125_PREVIEW, chat_functions=[add_two_numbers])
---> 10 await chat("Please add 1 + 2 for me")

File ~/Wharf/src/chatlab/chatlab/chat.py:125, in Chat.__call__(self, stream, *messages, **kwargs)
    123 async def __call__(self, *messages: Union[ChatCompletionMessageParam, str], stream=True, **kwargs):
    124     """Send messages to the chat model and display the response."""
--> 125     return await self.submit(*messages, stream=stream, **kwargs)

File ~/Wharf/src/chatlab/chatlab/chat.py:350, in Chat.submit(self, stream, *messages, **kwargs)
    347 self.append(assistant_tool_calls(tool_arguments))
    348 for tool_argument in tool_arguments:
    349     # Oh crap I need to append the big assistant call of it too. May have to assume we've done it by here.
--> 350     function_called = await tool_argument.call(self.function_registry)
    351     # TODO: Format the tool message
    352     self.append(function_called.get_tool_called_message())

File ~/Wharf/src/chatlab/chatlab/views/tools.py:146, in ToolArguments.call(self, function_registry)
    144 # Execute the function and get the result
    145 try:
--> 146     output = await function_registry.call(function_name, function_args)
    147 except FunctionArgumentError as e:
    148     self.finished = True

File ~/Wharf/src/chatlab/chatlab/registry.py:474, in FunctionRegistry.call(self, name, arguments)
    472     result = await function(**prepared_arguments)
    473 else:
--> 474     result = function(**prepared_arguments)
    475 return result

Cell In[11], line 7, in add_two_numbers(a, b)
      5 if b < a:
      6     return a + b
----> 7 raise Exception("I can't do math")

Exception: I can't do math

and all future calls to the chat generate a 400 error code from OpenAI:

await chat("what went wrong there?")

BadRequestError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[10], line 1
----> 1 await chat("what went wrong there?")

File ~/Wharf/src/chatlab/chatlab/chat.py:125, in Chat.__call__(self, stream, *messages, **kwargs)
    123 async def __call__(self, *messages: Union[ChatCompletionMessageParam, str], stream=True, **kwargs):
    124     """Send messages to the chat model and display the response."""
--> 125     return await self.submit(*messages, stream=stream, **kwargs)

File ~/Wharf/src/chatlab/chatlab/chat.py:302, in Chat.submit(self, stream, *messages, **kwargs)
    299 # Due to the strict response typing based on `Literal` typing on `stream`, we have to process these
    300 # two cases separately
    301 if stream:
--> 302     streaming_response = await client.chat.completions.create(
    303         **chat_create_kwargs,
    304         stream=True,
    305     )
    307     self.append(*messages)
    309     finish_reason, function_call_request, tool_arguments = await self.__process_stream(streaming_response)

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.12.1/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/completions.py:1291, in AsyncCompletions.create(self, messages, model, frequency_penalty, function_call, functions, logit_bias, logprobs, max_tokens, n, presence_penalty, response_format, seed, stop, stream, temperature, tool_choice, tools, top_logprobs, top_p, user, extra_headers, extra_query, extra_body, timeout)
   1242 @required_args(["messages", "model"], ["messages", "model", "stream"])
   1243 async def create(
   1244     self,
   1289     timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
   1290 ) -> ChatCompletion | AsyncStream[ChatCompletionChunk]:
-> 1291     return await self._post(
   1292         "/chat/completions",
   1293         body=maybe_transform(
   1294             {
   1295                 "messages": messages,
   1296                 "model": model,
   1297                 "frequency_penalty": frequency_penalty,
   1298                 "function_call": function_call,
   1299                 "functions": functions,
   1300                 "logit_bias": logit_bias,
   1301                 "logprobs": logprobs,
   1302                 "max_tokens": max_tokens,
   1303                 "n": n,
   1304                 "presence_penalty": presence_penalty,
   1305                 "response_format": response_format,
   1306                 "seed": seed,
   1307                 "stop": stop,
   1308                 "stream": stream,
   1309                 "temperature": temperature,
   1310                 "tool_choice": tool_choice,
   1311                 "tools": tools,
   1312                 "top_logprobs": top_logprobs,
   1313                 "top_p": top_p,
   1314                 "user": user,
   1315             },
   1316             completion_create_params.CompletionCreateParams,
   1317         ),
   1318         options=make_request_options(
   1319             extra_headers=extra_headers, extra_query=extra_query, extra_body=extra_body, timeout=timeout
   1320         ),
   1321         cast_to=ChatCompletion,
   1322         stream=stream or False,
   1323         stream_cls=AsyncStream[ChatCompletionChunk],
   1324     )

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.12.1/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openai/_base_client.py:1578, in AsyncAPIClient.post(self, path, cast_to, body, files, options, stream, stream_cls)
   1564 async def post(
   1565     self,
   1566     path: str,
   1573     stream_cls: type[_AsyncStreamT] | None = None,
   1574 ) -> ResponseT | _AsyncStreamT:
   1575     opts = FinalRequestOptions.construct(
   1576         method="post", url=path, json_data=body, files=await async_to_httpx_files(files), **options
   1577     )
-> 1578     return await self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.12.1/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openai/_base_client.py:1339, in AsyncAPIClient.request(self, cast_to, options, stream, stream_cls, remaining_retries)
   1330 async def request(
   1331     self,
   1332     cast_to: Type[ResponseT],
   1337     remaining_retries: Optional[int] = None,
   1338 ) -> ResponseT | _AsyncStreamT:
-> 1339     return await self._request(
   1340         cast_to=cast_to,
   1341         options=options,
   1342         stream=stream,
   1343         stream_cls=stream_cls,
   1344         remaining_retries=remaining_retries,
   1345     )

File ~/.pyenv/versions/3.12.1/lib/python3.12/site-packages/openai/_base_client.py:1429, in AsyncAPIClient._request(self, cast_to, options, stream, stream_cls, remaining_retries)
   1426         await err.response.aread()
   1428     log.debug("Re-raising status error")
-> 1429     raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None
   1431 return self._process_response(
   1432     cast_to=cast_to,
   1433     options=options,
   1436     stream_cls=stream_cls,
   1437 )

BadRequestError: Error code: 400 - {'error': {'message': "An assistant message with 'tool_calls' must be followed by tool messages responding to each 'tool_call_id'. The following tool_call_ids did not have response messages: call_KTJddJ7ScPS972aOPs2Owwdl", 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': 'messages.[2].role', 'code': None}}

Ideally, the exception result would be added to the message log, and allow the chat to continue. (And perhaps even allow the model to try a fix for the exception...)

cvaske commented 8 months ago

The @chatlab.expose_exception_to_llm decorator fixes this, but perhaps the default should be to expose all exceptions to the LLM, and have a decorator that hides them?


rgbkrk commented 7 months ago

The @chatlab.expose_exception_to_llm decorator fixes this, but perhaps the default should be to expose all exceptions to the LLM, and have a decorator that hides them?

Yeah I agree with that.