rgbkrk / ipython-notebook-cookbook

:book: IPython Notebook Cookbook for Deployment via Chef
Apache License 2.0
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Support for Ubuntu12.04? #23

Open bjamil opened 9 years ago

bjamil commented 9 years ago

Hi! I'm trying to install ipynb on Ubuntu 12.04 using your cookbook. However, I'm running into the following error:

Error executing action `install` on resource 'package[libhdf5-7]'       

No version specified, and no candidate version available for libhdf5-7       

Resource Declaration:       
# In /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/ipynb/recipes/default.rb       

 29:    package pkg do       
        30:       action :install
        31:    end
        32: end

       Compiled Resource:
       # Declared in /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/ipynb/recipes/default.rb:29:in `block in from_file'

       package("libhdf5-7") do
         action [:install]
         retries 0
         retry_delay 2
         guard_interpreter :default
         package_name "libhdf5-7"
         cookbook_name "ipynb"
         recipe_name "default"

Looks like libhdf5-7 is not available on Ubuntu 12.04. I can add a fix in my own wrapper cookbook but would be nice to have this work out of the box. Can I request support for Ubuntu 12.04? I'm happy to submit a PR if needed.


davidski commented 7 years ago

Hi, @bjamil! I'm working on a new release of this cookbook. I'm targeting Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04, as 12 LTS ends this month. Is Ubuntu 12 still an important platform for you?