rgd87 / ClassicAuraDurations

Using LibClassicDurations for Compact Unit Frames and default Target Frame
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Compatibility with Shadowed Unit Frames (SuF) #11

Open bino23 opened 4 years ago

bino23 commented 4 years ago


is there a way to make this work with SuF ?

it works just fine with the standard blizz ui/frames. i can see enemy buffs and even the duration but with SuF activated i cant even see the enemy buffs anymore.

great addon by the way :)

d87 commented 4 years ago

SUF already has timers from LibClassicDurations. But yeah, It doesn't support enemy buffs. I just released this https://github.com/rgd87/NugPlateAuras/releases Unlike CAD it's not tied to default frames. And it doesn't show everything and with nameplate range in classic i don't know how useful it will be, but still it can show enemy buff gains and things like enemy ice block, reflectors, wotf, berserker rage