rgd87 / ClassicAuraDurations

Using LibClassicDurations for Compact Unit Frames and default Target Frame
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Enabling Target of Target causes addon to crash #3

Closed michael-f-portfolio closed 5 years ago

michael-f-portfolio commented 5 years ago

Version: 1.13.9 Other Addons: None When Target of Target is enabled and a DoT is cast on an enemy or selecting a player who has another target selected, the following LUA error occurs. This results in the DoTs being incorrectly tracked, or the DoTs not showing up under the target frame at all.

When Target of Target is disabled the addon works correctly.

Message: Interface\AddOns\ClassicAuraDurations\code.lua:254: attempt to compare number with nil Time: Thu Jun 20 13:48:19 2019 Count: 1 Stack: Interface\AddOns\ClassicAuraDurations\code.lua:254: attempt to compare number with nil Interface\AddOns\ClassicAuraDurations\code.lua:254: in function <Interface\AddOns\ClassicAuraDurations\code.lua:57> [C]: in function `TargetFrame_UpdateAuras'

[C]: in function Show' Interface\FrameXML\TargetFrame.lua:910: in functionTargetofTarget_Update' Interface\FrameXML\TargetFrame.lua:420: in function `TargetFrame_OnUpdate'

Locals: self = TargetFrame { 0 = debuffs = TargetFrameDebuffs { } portrait = TargetFramePortrait { } totFrame = TargetFrameToT { } raidTargetIcon = TargetFrameTextureFrameRaidTargetIcon { } highLevelTexture = TargetFrameTextureFrameHighLevelTexture { } petBattleIcon = TargetFrameTextureFramePetBattleIcon { } prestigePortrait = TargetFrameTextureFramePrestigePortrait { } showAuraCount = true showLeader = true healthbar = TargetFrameHealthBar { } pvpIcon = TargetFrameTextureFramePVPIcon { } buffsOnTop = false questIcon = TargetFrameTextureFrameQuestIcon { } deadText = TargetFrameTextureFrameDeadText { } noTextPrefix = true buffs = TargetFrameBuffs { } nameBackground = TargetFrameNameBackground { } showLevel = true levelText = TargetFrameTextureFrameLevelText { } leaderIcon = TargetFrameTextureFrameLeaderIcon { } statusSign = -1 unit = "target" showPVP = true borderTexture = TargetFrameTextureFrameTexture { } showPortrait = true TOT_AURA_ROW_WIDTH = 101 statusCounter = 0 unconsciousText = TargetFrameTextureFrameUnconsciousText { } manabar = TargetFrameManaBar { } auraRows = 0 unitHPPercent = 1 spellbar = TargetFrameSpellBar { } prestigeBadge = TargetFrameTextureFramePrestigeBadge { } menu = defined @Interface\FrameXML\TargetFrame.lua:92 showClassification = true textureFrame = TargetFrameTextureFrame { } name = TargetFrameTextureFrameName { } Background = TargetFrameBackground { } } frame = nil frameName = nil frameIcon = nil frameCount = nil frameCooldown = nil numBuffs = 0 playerIsTarget = false selfName = "TargetFrame" canAssist = false unit = "target" maxPrio = 0 maxPrioFilter = nil maxPrioIndex = 1 color = nil frameBorder = nil numDebuffs = 0 frameNum = 1 index = 1 maxDebuffs = 16 mirrorAurasVertically = false haveTargetofTarget = true maxRowWidth = 101 (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = nil (temporary) = "TargetFrameBuff" (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = 0 (temporary) =

{ 1 = true } (temporary) = defined @Interface\FrameXML\TargetFrame.lua:676 (temporary) = 101 (temporary) = 3 (temporary) = false (temporary) = nil (temporary) = 1 (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = 1 (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = 0 (temporary) = 1 (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil" LibClassicDurations =
{ GetAuraDurationByGUID = defined @Interface\AddOns\ClassicAuraDurations\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:425 buffCache =
{ } Unregister = defined @Interface\AddOns\ClassicAuraDurations\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:444 Register = defined @Interface\AddOns\ClassicAuraDurations\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:432 callbacks =
{ } UnitAuraDirect = defined @Interface\AddOns\ClassicAuraDurations\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:346 GetAuraDurationByUnit = defined @Interface\AddOns\ClassicAuraDurations\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:417 UnregisterFrame = defined @Interface\AddOns\ClassicAuraDurations\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:444 guids =
{ } UnregisterAllCallbacks = defined @Interface\AddOns\ClassicAuraDurations\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\

d87 commented 5 years ago

ok, fixed in 1.13.11