rgd87 / ClassicAuraDurations

Using LibClassicDurations for Compact Unit Frames and default Target Frame
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Lua error when I applie a CoA to an enemy target #5

Open Splaser opened 4 years ago

Splaser commented 4 years ago

I got an "application is nil " error when I casted CoA. 1

d87 commented 4 years ago

Can you give more info about when and how often it happens?

Splaser commented 4 years ago

1 Sorry. You may check this one.

d87 commented 4 years ago

It should be fixed in the latest update, but i still have no idea what is exacly going on, it seems to be something specific to chinese localization

Splaser commented 4 years ago

Yeah. It only happens when I cast CoA on any target. Other spells are working well.

d87 commented 4 years ago

https://github.com/rgd87/ClassicAuraDurations/releases Install 1.13.22 and see if it helps without breaking CoA timer in the process.

Splaser commented 4 years ago

OK. Thanks. I will try it soon after a 2000 waiting queue.

Splaser commented 4 years ago

1 There is no error this time. But it seems the CoA timer is still broken.

d87 commented 4 years ago

I don't know then, get some Chinese guy to figure it out and tell me I tried running Chinese client in sandbox mode and everything seems fine on the side of spellName to spellID translation table. So It's probably something weird in the combat log, maybe Chinese client has different spell name in combat log for CoA than it is in the spell book.

Splaser commented 4 years ago

My client is a Simplefied Chinese version client. Not the Traditional Chinese one which might work fine.

d87 commented 4 years ago

I tried both of them in sandbox. Also i'll leave a guide how to diagnose combat log events in case anyone wants to do it 1) Install NugRunning for classic https://github.com/rgd87/NugRunning/releases 2) run /nrun debug 3) it should print "0 痛苦诅咒 ... " for CoA events

EKE00372 commented 4 years ago

problem happened because this: https://cn.classic.wowhead.com/search?q=%E7%97%9B%E8%8B%A6%E8%AF%85%E5%92%92#uncategorized-spells

Fire Vulnerability translate as "痛苦诅咒" in zhCN. maybe can use icon texture to make a filter?

d87 commented 4 years ago

Oh thank god... Arctium got broken with recent update so i couldn't even get into sandbox anymore. Combat log only tells spell name, so icons are not an option. But i'll just make so that warlocks will see CoA and mages Fire Vulnerability, but not both

EKE00372 commented 4 years ago

This actually a wrong translate, I've report this to blizzard, but don't know when will be firxed.....

Splaser commented 4 years ago

Why did blizz make combatlog without any spellid? Really a backforward.

d87 commented 4 years ago

Intentionally to mess up addons, it was fine in beta but then they removed spell ids in august stress test.

wolfcon commented 4 years ago

Intentionally to mess up addons, it was fine in beta but then they removed spell ids in august stress test.

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