rgerganov / py-air-control

Command line app for controlling Philips air purifiers
MIT License
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Add (unit)tests #43

Open Cyber1000 opened 4 years ago

Cyber1000 commented 4 years ago

As there seems to be more refactoring in the near future since to coap-additions (#35) and library split (#34) I think we'll need some tests.

I'm not so deep into python-testing (since python is not my main profession), but I've looked into testing in coapthon and they seem to do it with coveralls which integrates nicely in travis (https://github.com/Tanganelli/CoAPthon3/blob/master/.travis.yml) and classes like unittest-class from the standard python library (https://github.com/Tanganelli/CoAPthon3/blob/master/coverage_test_advanced.py)

There might be other testing-frameworks though: https://realpython.com/python-testing/

Any inputs are welcome, I think we don't need to get overcomplicated, some decent (10-20) tests would cover most of our cases.

I would put some time into this.

Cyber1000 commented 4 years ago

Didn't have much time last week, but got some tests running (PR follows today/tomorrow). To have better testing-data I would need some typical datasets for http and plain_coap:

for http I would need (@rgerganov please help):

Cyber1000 commented 4 years ago

for plain_coap I would need (@GeorgeSG please help) :

GeorgeSG commented 4 years ago

for plain_coap I would need (@GeorgeSG please help) :

I'm pretty sure my device uses HTTP, not CoAP, it's AC2729/10.

Cyber1000 commented 4 years ago

@GeorgeSG ok I think I got confused by this:

And 0.2.1 seems to use either coap or http not depending on this version number, I think I mixed that ... Thanks for the clarification

Someone here who runs the current master of airctrl with --protocol plain_coap? for example @shexbeer?

rgerganov commented 4 years ago
$ airctrl --ipaddr --protocol http -d
{'aqil': 100,
 'aqit': 0,
 'cl': False,
 'ddp': '1',
 'dt': 0,
 'dtrs': 0,
 'err': 0,
 'func': 'P',
 'iaql': 2,
 'mode': 'M',
 'om': '1',
 'pm25': 8,
 'pwr': '1',
 'rddp': '1',
 'rh': 30,
 'rhset': 60,
 'temp': 24,
 'uil': '1',
 'wl': 100}

[pwr]   Power: ON
[pm25]  PM25: 8
[rh]    Humidity: 30
[rhset] Target humidity: 60
[iaql]  Allergen index: 2
[temp]  Temperature: 24
[func]  Function: Purification
[mode]  Mode: manual
[om]    Fan speed: 1
[aqil]  Light brightness: 100
[uil]   Buttons light: ON
[ddp]   Used index: PM2.5
[wl]    Water level: 100
[cl]    Child lock: False

$ airctrl --ipaddr --protocol http --aqil 25 -d 
{'aqil': 25,
 'aqit': 0,
 'cl': False,
 'ddp': '1',
 'dt': 0,
 'dtrs': 0,
 'err': 0,
 'func': 'P',
 'iaql': 1,
 'mode': 'M',
 'om': '1',
 'pm25': 4,
 'pwr': '1',
 'rddp': '1',
 'rh': 30,
 'rhset': 60,
 'temp': 24,
 'uil': '1',
 'wl': 100}

[pwr]   Power: ON
[pm25]  PM25: 4
[rh]    Humidity: 30
[rhset] Target humidity: 60
[iaql]  Allergen index: 1
[temp]  Temperature: 24
[func]  Function: Purification
[mode]  Mode: manual
[om]    Fan speed: 1
[aqil]  Light brightness: 25
[uil]   Buttons light: ON
[ddp]   Used index: PM2.5
[wl]    Water level: 100
[cl]    Child lock: False

$ airctrl --ipaddr --protocol http --wifi      
{'cppid': 'e8c1000000000000',
 'dhcp': True,
 'gateway': '',
 'ipaddress': '',
 'macaddress': 'e8:c1:00:00:00:00',
 'netmask': '',
 'password': '',
 'protection': 'wpa-2',
 'ssid': 'My SSID'}

$ airctrl --ipaddr --protocol http --firmware
{'mandatory': False,
 'name': 'AC2729_10',
 'progress': 0,
 'state': 'idle',
 'statusmsg': '',
 'upgrade': '',
 'version': '8'}

$ airctrl --ipaddr --protocol http --filters 
Pre-filter and Wick: clean in 33 hours
Wick filter: replace in 1142 hours
Active carbon filter: replace in 1142 hours
HEPA filter: replace in 1142 hours
spider7611 commented 4 years ago

my model Id: AC3858/50 protocol coap version. will do what you need airctrl --ipaddr --protocol coap --pwr 1

[name] Name: Living Room [type] Type: AC3858 [modelid] ModelId: AC3858/50 [swversion] Version: Ms4102 [language] language: EN [om] Fan speed: 1 [pwr] Power: ON [cl] Child lock: False [aqil] Light brightness: 0 [uil] Buttons light: OFF [uaset] uaset: A [mode] Mode: AG [pm25] PM25: 3 [iaql] Allergen index: 1 [aqit] Air quality notification threshold: 10 [tvoc] tvoc: 1 [ddp] Used index: PM2.5 [rddp] rddp: 1 [fltt1] HEPA filter type: NanoProtect Filter Series 3 (FY2422) [fltt2] Active carbon filter type: none [fltsts0] Pre-filter and Wick: clean in 155 hours [fltsts1] HEPA filter: replace in 4560 hours [fltsts2] Active carbon filter: replace in 65535 hours [filna] filna: AC3036 [filid] filid: AC3036.... [ota] Over the air updates: no [Runtime] Runtime: 0.96 hours [WifiVersion] WifiVersion: AWS_Philips_AIR@53 [ProductId] ProductId: ..... [DeviceId] DeviceId: .... [StatusType] StatusType: localcontrol [ConnectType] ConnectType: Localcontrol

spider7611 commented 4 years ago
airctrl --ipaddr --protocol plain_coap -d

Raw status:
{'ConnectType': 'Localcontrol',
 'DeviceId': '.......................',
 'ProductId': '.......................',
 'Runtime': 611108689,
 'StatusType': 'localcontrol',
 'WifiVersion': 'AWS_Philips_AIR@53',
 'aqil': 100,
 'aqit': 10,
 'cl': False,
 'ddp': '1',
 'err': 0,
 'filid': 'AC30360123456789012',
 'filna': 'AC3036',
 'fltsts0': 154,
 'fltsts1': 4560,
 'fltsts2': 65535,
 'fltt1': 'A3',
 'fltt2': 'none',
 'iaql': 7,
 'language': 'EN',
 'mode': 'AG',
 'modelid': 'AC3858/50',
 'name': 'Living Room',
 'om': '0',
 'ota': 'no',
 'pm25': 40,
 'pwr': '0',
 'rddp': '1',
 'swversion': 'Ms4102',
 'tvoc': 1,
 'type': 'AC3858',
 'uaset': 'A',
 'uil': '1'}
[name]                        Name: Living Room
[type]                        Type: AC3858
[modelid]                     ModelId: AC3858/50
[swversion]                   Version: Ms4102
[language]                    language: EN
[om]                          Fan speed: 0
[pwr]                         Power: OFF
[cl]                          Child lock: False
[aqil]                        Light brightness: 100
[uil]                         Buttons light: ON
[uaset]                       uaset: A
[mode]                        Mode: AG
[pm25]                        PM25: 40
[iaql]                        Allergen index: 7
[aqit]                        Air quality notification threshold: 10
[tvoc]                        tvoc: 1
[ddp]                         Used index: PM2.5
[rddp]                        rddp: 1
[fltt1]                       HEPA filter type: NanoProtect Filter Series 3 (FY2422)
[fltt2]                       Active carbon filter type: none
[fltsts0]                     Pre-filter and Wick: clean in 154 hours
[fltsts1]                     HEPA filter: replace in 4560 hours
[fltsts2]                     Active carbon filter: replace in 65535 hours
[filna]                       filna: AC3036
[filid]                       filid: AC30360123456789012
[ota]                         Over the air updates: no
[Runtime]                     Runtime: 1.75 hours
[WifiVersion]                 WifiVersion: AWS_Philips_AIR@53
[ProductId]                   ProductId: ..............
[DeviceId]                    DeviceId: ..............
[StatusType]                  StatusType: localcontrol
[ConnectType]                 ConnectType: Localcontrol
2020-06-04 16:25:36,867 - Thread-1   - coapthon.client.coap - DEBUG - Exiting receiver Thread due to request
spider7611 commented 4 years ago

After this modification:


Line 71 in a7f5214

 client.post(path, json.dumps(payload)) 
with my encrypted coap I'm getting {"status":"success"}back
You may change the line to something like that:
response = client.post(path, json.dumps(payload)) 

I get this error, maybe I do something wrong:

airctrl --ipaddr --protocol plain_coap --aqil 25
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/spider2/.local/bin/airctrl", line 11, in <module>
    load_entry_point('py-air-control==2.0.0', 'console_scripts', 'airctrl')()
  File "/home/spider2/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyairctrl/airctrl.py", line 467, in main
    c.set_values(values, debug=args.debug)
  File "/home/spider2/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyairctrl/airctrl.py", line 359, in set_values
    self._client.set_values(values, debug)
  File "/home/spider2/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyairctrl/plain_coap_client.py", line 216, in set_values
    self._set(key, values[key])
  File "/home/spider2/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyairctrl/plain_coap_client.py", line 69, in _set
  File "/home/spider2/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyairctrl/plain_coap_client.py", line 84, in _send_hello_sequence
    self._send_over_socket(self.server, packet)
  File "/home/spider2/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyairctrl/plain_coap_client.py", line 38, in _send_over_socket
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, protocol)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/socket.py", line 144, in __init__
    _socket.socket.__init__(self, family, type, proto, fileno)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied
Cyber1000 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your contributions, my time was limited this week, but I'm nearly done. @spider7611 I was just wondering about your first post on this task:

airctrl --ipaddr --protocol coap

And then you go on with:

airctrl --ipaddr --protocol plain_coap

Does your device support coap and plain_coap, so both commands work or is the first command a typo?

Your problem with the permission error:

airctrl --ipaddr --protocol plain_coap --aqil 25

Cyber1000 commented 4 years ago

@spider7611 I've digged a little deeper: Did you really call:

airctrl --ipaddr --protocol plain_coap -d

and not

airctrl --ipaddr --protocol coap -d


The following is a coap only output:

[fltt1]                       HEPA filter type: NanoProtect Filter Series 3 (FY2422)

At least the "NanoProtect Filter Series 3" part wouldn't get translated this way, there would be no output at all for this line with plain_coap. At least code (beginning with https://github.com/rgerganov/py-air-control/blob/121be67168f2d395cda5ef93b6d703a00adf3ac6/pyairctrl/airctrl.py#L234) and my tests say so

spider7611 commented 4 years ago

I'm confused. Maybe changed the plain_coap and coap. Will try again later, sorry.

Cyber1000 commented 4 years ago

No problem I was confused too :-) I'll create a PR for now, cause it is overall ready. I've used something similar in plan_caop as I used in coap for now, but we can fix this very fast.