I don't know if that's device or version specific (or both), cause I found this problem also within the "clean home+"-app (or to be clearer it seems to be a bug within the device)
2 problems:
if I change the following very fast (<2s) it will not switch
airctrl --ipaddr [ip] --protocol coap --mode M --om 2
... don't wait here
airctrl --ipaddr [ip] --protocol coap --mode A
... don't wait here
airctrl --ipaddr [ip] --protocol coap --mode M --om 2
if I'm in automatic mode and the fan is on speed 1, following won't work:
airctrl --ipaddr [ip] --protocol coap --mode M --om 1
if in auto-mode and on fan-speed 2 following won't work:
airctrl --ipaddr [ip] --protocol coap --mode M --om 2
and so on
Solution (if you are in auto which has fanspeed 1):
airctrl --ipaddr [ip] --protocol coap --mode M --om s
airctrl --ipaddr [ip] --protocol coap --mode M --om 1
At @syreel: Could you confirm the 2nd problem on your device (since I know you have AC2889/10 too)? Keep in mind that --version 1.0.7 has changed to --protocol coap in the current master.
Does someone experience the same on other versions/devices?
Maybe we can make a fallback here ...
It appears that some units use a value of ‘a’ in the ‘om’ field to set auto mode, instead of the ‘auto’ field. Perhaps that’s what’s going on for you? I’ve opened #48 to allow this value to be passed.
I don't know if that's device or version specific (or both), cause I found this problem also within the "clean home+"-app (or to be clearer it seems to be a bug within the device)
2 problems:
airctrl --ipaddr [ip] --protocol coap --mode M --om 1
airctrl --ipaddr [ip] --protocol coap --mode M --om 2
At @syreel: Could you confirm the 2nd problem on your device (since I know you have AC2889/10 too)? Keep in mind that --version 1.0.7 has changed to --protocol coap in the current master.
Does someone experience the same on other versions/devices? Maybe we can make a fallback here ...