rggassner / gassnerZabbixScripts

Scripts related to Zabbix
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Cannot create item: item with the same key "arp.ipCount[32:d7:48:65:64:df]" already exists. #5

Open JSuenram opened 6 days ago

JSuenram commented 6 days ago

Hi, using your script and template. So far items get created but sometimes the Zabbix-Trapper gives the error in the subject.

Using Zabbix 7.02


rggassner commented 2 days ago


Thanks for the feedback. I've recently reinstalled the script on a 7.0.4, but I was not able to reproduce the problem.

My guess, is that you might have situations where the arp scan finds the same MAC in two different interfaces. If that is the case, I would suggest you to change the script to:

fullData=`for iface in $interfaces
        $arp_scan --localnet --interface=$iface -q -x
done | sort | uniq`

Please let me know if that solved your problem.

Best regards,
