rgocal / Sapphyx_Launcher

A revised public repository for Sapphyx Launcher. This repository currently holds the String data, Message board rss and Issue/Request forms. The Source Code for Sapphyx Launcher is and will NOT be found here, that is kept in a super secret location. String Data will be used to allow fellow community members to maintain translations.
3 stars 3 forks source link

Widget customisation #11

Open GocalSD opened 5 years ago

GocalSD commented 5 years ago

In lieu of launcher widgets not having the required functionality, can installed widgets be customised? (e.g. drop alpha, transparency, change colour of Googe search bar text input area) TIA

Debug info: OS Version: 4.9.59-ElementalX-S9-2.06(G960FXXU3CSD4) OS API Level: 28 Device: starlte Model (and Product): SM-G960F (starltexx) BRAND: samsung HARDWARE: samsungexynos9810 MANUFACTURER: samsung

Extra Info: Sapphyx Launcher