rgoodhead / Crystal-Ball-Minimal-Working-Example

A MWE for the approach used in Byrne, Goodhead, McMahon, Parle (2022) and its companion paper.
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run_sutime #2

Open gguangy opened 5 months ago

gguangy commented 5 months ago

Hi~ I can't find the following .java files in your stanford-corenlp-4.0.0 folder: run_sutime_on_speeches run_sutime_on_SQA run_sutime_on_Q run_sutime_on_A run_sutime_on_FED_GBK

Could you please help me?

Thank you!

rgoodhead commented 5 months ago

Hi gguangy!

Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention, and thanks for your interest in our paper.

I will take a look at this later today and get back to you.


rgoodhead commented 5 months ago

Hi gguangy!

I have added in the missing .java files to the ./supplements folder. You will have to download the original stanford-corenlp-4.0.0 programme yourself from CoreNLP. You should be able to move these .java files to the stanford-corenlp-4.0.0 folder.

Sorry for this omission.



gguangy commented 5 months ago

Thanks, Rob. I've encountered some difficulties while working on the implementation of the temporal measure and temporal topic measure. Could you please share the code related to this part? Thanks!

Best regards, Guangyan