rgraciano / echo-sonos

Amazon Echo integration with Sonos
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Thoughts on Enhancing Music Search Capabilities #159

Open jplourde5 opened 7 years ago

jplourde5 commented 7 years ago

rgraciano, Happened to take a look at what's new with the Alexa capabilities based on what some insights that I was provided earlier. Looks like they have added the new Artist and MusicRecording slot types that would eliminate most of the Literals. This also opens the door to a dialog mode which would eliminate having to issue multiple "Alexa" invocations to get going. I would keep the original direct intents but add the conversation mode as another option for setting the room, picking an artist, chasing a song, setting the volume, etc..


pheintzelman commented 7 years ago

I think the Artist slot type is already being used. A conversational mode would be nice you should check out the new Alexa node sdk. It has some great features for doing this and has built in dynamo db support.

I added an issue a while back for using the new sdk.

rgraciano commented 7 years ago

cecaecf991 did add the new types - AMAZON.MusicAlbum, AMAZON.MusicRecording, & AMAZON.MusicGroup. Regarding dialogue mode - a simple way to do it would be to trigger it on an empty invocation. I could see it being useful, since putting Sonos into its start state can require a few quick actions (ungroup room, set default, pick source, play, volume, etc).

jplourde5 commented 7 years ago

I have exactly what you suggest working now. Still kicking it around before I submit it. Also thinking about a Help mode that would make it easy for someone that knows nothing to get going.

pheintzelman commented 7 years ago

@jplourde5 Do you have it working with "Open Sonos" ?

jplourde5 commented 7 years ago

Not sure what you are asking. I have it working with this project which leverages the node-sono-http-api project.

I'll submit it when I get a chance, maybe by the weekend. It is working well and very handy when you think you might submit a number of commands like change room, play X, set volume, ... Keeps you from having to repeat Alexa, ask Sonos... multiple times.

rhenschen commented 7 years ago

i have this working near flawlessly need help or someone to write to where you can search by artist and song title... for instance, if i ask for song Carolina it automatically starts playing the song from Parmalee and not from Eric church ,... being able to specify either song and title or title and artist would be a huge huge step forward!!!

jplourde5 commented 7 years ago

Dependant on the music service. What you describe works for Apple. Just say play "Ed Sheerhan New Man", and it will do what you asked.

rhenschen commented 7 years ago

I'm using Apple....just tried it and it doesn't respond it say playing artist Eric church Carolina and then doesn't play anything g

jplourde5 commented 7 years ago

Try saying Play Track...