rgraciano / echo-sonos

Amazon Echo integration with Sonos
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Default rooms #27

Open rgraciano opened 8 years ago

rgraciano commented 8 years ago

There's a general desire to be able to act on the system without always specifying which room to act on.

Eg, issue #16 - it would be nice for JoinGroup to be able to look up what room is currently the coordinator and default to that. It would not work in a scenario in which multiple groups are playing at the same time, but there's no way around that except to specify a room.

Functions like next, previous, and so on would also benefit from this feature.

bradanlane commented 8 years ago

I compared the code and its identical. But I'll load it, all the same.

jplourde5 commented 8 years ago

Let me know when you get it loaded and we run some tests.

bradanlane commented 8 years ago

its loaded. the results of my tests from a few posts back are unchanged

jplourde5 commented 8 years ago

Go to developer.amazon.com and go to the test link for your Alexa skill

bradanlane commented 8 years ago

already there

(you sure there is not a chat service you would rather move this to?)

FYI - I emailed you also.

jplourde5 commented 8 years ago

Type change music to apple

and then

play boston

bradanlane commented 8 years ago

both worked

(this is via the Service Simulator text field I was using before. IT shows both the Lamdba Request JSON and the Lambda Response JSON))

jplourde5 commented 8 years ago

try playing what you were asking Echo to do

bradanlane commented 8 years ago

yes, that all works via the Simulator. Thsi is what I was trying to say above. the Simulator input is fine.

my issue has been the actual utterances to Echo. The Echo seems to ignore the Sonos directive on some commands and tries to process them as core requests.

WORKS: Service Simulator: play James Taylor FAILS: Speak: Alexa tell Sonos play James Taylor

WORKS: Speek: Alexa tell Sonos Volume Down

jplourde5 commented 8 years ago

Try a few more times on Echo. You must say clearly, Ask Sonos to... It is a PITA. I'm going to be talking to the Echo product manager on Tuesday about supporting multiple trigger words and be able to link alternates to a skill. That way you could say, Sonos, play boston.

jplourde5 commented 8 years ago

You havet o say Ask (or tell) SOnos every single time. If you don't, Echo goes native. I mess it up all of the time and it annoys the #3!! out of me. Ergo going to talk to the PM.

jratliff681 commented 8 years ago

I got it up and running. I've only been using the library music search. Working pretty well so far. I had an issue at first not finding some songs but realized I needed to reload the library but the reload command is not working: /kitchen/musicsearch/library/load yields this {"status":"error"}

I deleted the library.json file and it repopulates it when you run it again but I can't reload it by the url.

jplourde5 commented 8 years ago

I'll check out the load command. How many tracks do you have in your library?

jplourde5 commented 8 years ago

Fixed the load command and created a new distribution. You can download musicSearch.js or add 'load' to the musicTypes array at the top. v const musicTypes = ['album','song','station','load'];

jratliff681 commented 8 years ago

1891 tracks. Typed load in there and works now, thanks!

jplourde5 commented 8 years ago

No problem. The library index gets cached to disk as you noticed. You only need to issue the load command when you added or deleted from your library and want the changes reflected in musicSearch.