rgranadino / mage2_vagrant

Simple Magento 2 Vagrant Box
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Adds explicit setup instructions to address #52 #53

Open kirkmadera opened 8 years ago

kirkmadera commented 8 years ago

This addresses specific issues I ran into while setting this VM up in order to prevent other users from getting stuck on them.

kirkmadera commented 8 years ago

After working with this more, I ran into an issue with VirtualBox not being able to create symlinks. I talked to Mat (@aepod) on our team and realized that I think everyone using this is using Macs. It might make more sense to not merge this PR and instead include a big notice at the top that this will not work on Windows until someone can confirm it working. My next step here is to build my own VM from our base vm. Mat already did this and it worked. I appreciate the work being done here still.

stefandoorn commented 8 years ago

@kirkmadera It might be worth trying to start vagrant with administration rights (start your terminal with it). It helped me create symlinks. Probably doesn't work on Windows 10 tho.

therouv commented 8 years ago

@kirkmadera Thanks for your PR.

Could you please check if it works with administrator privileges as @stefandoorn mentioned? If yes, could you please update your pull request and add an hint for Windows users?

kirkmadera commented 8 years ago

I figured out that I had to run a couple of additional commands.

cd /vagrant/data/magento2;
git checkout master; # develop is the default branch and I wanted to work with more stable code
composer update;
cp ~/.composer/auth.json var/composer_home;
dos2unix bin/magento;
bin/magento sampledata:deploy;
bin/magento setup:upgrade;
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy;

I think symlink creation would probably still be an issue, but deploying the assets makes it work.

kirkmadera commented 8 years ago

I added enough notes for this to be sufficient for Windows users. I think this is safe to pull in.