rgranadino / mage2_vagrant

Simple Magento 2 Vagrant Box
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Installation get stuck on 65% #72

Open edenreich opened 7 years ago

edenreich commented 7 years ago

All seemed to work fine untill I got to the installation step, what did I missed ? Anyways steps to reproduce:

1) cloned the repo with the --recursive flag as explained

2) cd into that directory and ran vagrant up

3) added a record to windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts (in my case dev.magento.com) to point to the vagrant IP address

4) ssh'ed into the machine and created the file ~/.composer/auth.json with the "http-basic" configurations that was asked and entered my public and private keys.

5) had some issues running the reinstall command so I've looked in issues and someone already found a walk around so I've used it and changed the file format to unix: #58

6) ran the reinstall with the flag -s to have some sample data which started composer installation: 6

something seems to went wrong here or its just an unimportant notice message of composer, see picture below: 7

7) logged into my database after the installation table seems still to be empty, perhaps it is expected results or something went wrong durring the reinstall command/composer install.

8) lastly went to the browser and walked through the setup steps, on the 65% it always get stuck. I've tried it 2 times, without any success: 5

superbrane commented 7 years ago

On Ubuntu 16.04 the installation hangs at:

[Progress: 202 / 308] Installing user configuration...

This is the third try. I've deleted the VM to start fresh. Before it got stuk at step 211 and 202. The proble is that you have no idea what's going on. I'm going to try on a Mac. If that works I can export the machine and see from there.