Closed guiocavalcanti closed 13 years ago
At some point I'll probably add a simple URL-based lookup hash to LazyLoad so that it can at least avoid loading URLs it's already seen. I don't want to implement anything more complex than that, though; it would increase the code size too much.
In the meantime, you could write a thin wrapper function around LazyLoad that uses a lookup hash just like I've described, and avoids loading anything that's already been loaded.
Ok, I'll try that. Thanks for the fast answer.
Hi can someone show me an example?
I am trying to do this, but is not working.
for (i = 0, len = pendingUrls.length; i < len; ++i) {
url = pendingUrls[i];
I added this code:
var all_scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
for(var i = 0; i < all_scripts.length; i++) {
if(all_scripts[i].src ==url) {
alert('I found you!! Dont load me');
return true; // continue to next
alert('I am going to load you.' + url);
solved in this way (I appreciate any suggestion for improve it):
I just change the for loop which appendChild nodes to head, by checking if that src it's already on head.
The final code is:
var all_scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
var i_found_you = false;
for (i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
for(var ii = 0; ii < all_scripts.length; ii++) {
if(all_scripts[ii].src == nodes[i].getAttribute('src')) {
i_found_you = true;
break; // continue to next
not working :(
I'm using the pushstate API to reload just one subtree of the DOM on each request while maintaining the
element untouched. Some pages of my site need some extra JS or CSS which I'm going to load also using lazyload. Since the user may visit the same page multiple times, the same resource is being included in the<head>
over and over.How should I detect if some resource is already present and, if it is, prevent
o include the file?