rgrove / rawgit

Served files from raw.githubusercontent.com, but with the correct content types. No longer actively developed.
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IPv6 issue #133

Closed nakaruna closed 8 years ago

nakaruna commented 8 years ago

cdn.rawgit isn't support ipv6

rgrove commented 8 years ago

MaxCDN doesn't currently support IPv6. Unfortunately this isn't something RawGit has control over.

tambry commented 6 years ago

StackPath seems to have recently gotten IPv6 support. Could this issue be revisited?

rgrove commented 6 years ago

@tambry Can you point me to some documentation? I can't seem to find anything.

tambry commented 6 years ago

@rgrove Seems like they don't have any documentation for it. BootstrapCDN's endpoints use StackPath as their CDN provider and they mostly definitely work over IPv6. I'm guessing that it's a limited rollout for now and you'll need to message their support to move you over to a newer IPv6-capable endpoint.

tambry commented 6 years ago

@rgrove I think IPv6 is available now. One of their marketing pages now claims IPv6 and HTTP/2 support. I think migrating to their new "StackPath 2.0" CDN infrastructure might be necessary though.