rgrove / rawgit

Served files from raw.githubusercontent.com, but with the correct content types. No longer actively developed.
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CDN hanging #85

Closed brauliobo closed 9 years ago

brauliobo commented 9 years ago

On http://webodf.org/demos/invoice-generator/#invoice.fodt, rawgit completely hangs on https://cdn.rawgit.com/google/closure-library/97e8a0c0fc7238a56cc4dacd4a96fd4c0735b992/closure/goog/css/popupdatepicker.css and others sources from the same repo

rgrove commented 9 years ago

This seems to be working fine for me from the western US, but I have seen cases in the past where specific CDN nodes in one geographic region have temporary problems that other regions don't have. If you can tell me where you're located (city and country), that might help me track down the misbehaving CDN node if there is one.

brauliobo commented 9 years ago

Yeah, it finally loaded after several minutes hanging. I'm located at Mata de São João, Bahia, Brazil. Thanks!

rgrove commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the info, and sorry about that!