rgsouthall / vi-suite06

VI-Suite release for Blender 2.8
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ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (0,) (3,) #20

Open ttsesm opened 3 years ago

ttsesm commented 3 years ago

Hi Ryan,

In the attached scene I am getting the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ttsesm/Development/blender-2.83.2-linux64/2.83/scripts/addons/vi-suite06/vi_operators.py", line 1007, in invoke
    calcout = li_calc(self, simnode, livisimacc(simnode))
  File "/home/ttsesm/Development/blender-2.83.2-linux64/2.83/scripts/addons/vi-suite06/livi_calc.py", line 122, in li_calc
    bccout = ovp.basiccalcapply(scene, frames, rtcmds, simnode, curres, pfile)
  File "/home/ttsesm/Development/blender-2.83.2-linux64/2.83/scripts/addons/vi-suite06/livi_func.py", line 405, in basiccalcapply
    virradm2 = nsum(xyzirrad * array([0.26, 0.67, 0.065]), axis = 1)
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (0,) (3,) 

Most likely it is related to the scene geometry again but I wanted to report it as a test case.

Also with the last update I am getting the following KeyError message which is not critical though:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ttsesm/Development/blender-2.83.2-linux64/2.83/scripts/addons/vi-suite06/__init__.py", line 217, in d_update
    for d in context.scene.vi_params['viparams']['drivers']:
KeyError: 'bpy_struct[key]: key "viparams" not found'
File "/home/ttsesm/Development/blender-2.83.2-linux64/2.83/scripts/addons/vi-suite06/__init__.py", line 214, in d_update
rgsouthall commented 3 years ago

The key error should disappear once geometry or context have been re-exported. If it doesn't let me know. The file you sent I assume you get the error when running from your script? I get a failure in the script at line 315 as no src module is found.

ttsesm commented 3 years ago

Yes, the keyerror message shows once. Apologies in the file I've attached before I did not set it up correctly. Please try this attachment, if you press the calculate button in Vi Simulate you should get the error.


rgsouthall commented 3 years ago

There is too much geometry there to debug as they are all light sensors. Hide objects and then unhide them to track down which object is the problem.

ttsesm commented 3 years ago

Apologies again, the problem seems to be in the ceiling (if I hide it then the simulation seems to work fine).

Find attached a simplified .blend file with only this room.


rgsouthall commented 3 years ago

Yes, the ceiling geometry is particularly nasty. Makes a nice stress test for the Suite though. Face 1 is the problem as is it is almost non-existent and is causing a problem as geometry, not as a light sensor. You can try upping the decimal places for position export in the radpoints routine in livi_export. LiVi Sim now terminates with an error and flags up the problem geometry in the log file. It will be while before I upload it as I have to implement that for all LiVi calculation types and test it.

rgsouthall commented 3 years ago

Just noticed that trying to preview the scene will write the problem geometry to the log file in the form poly__objectnamefaceindex

ttsesm commented 3 years ago

Thanks Ryan.

Yes, the ceiling geometry is particularly nasty. Makes a nice stress test for the Suite though.

Well more or less I have approx. 45K of such scenes that I am planning to process (meanwhile I might get access to even more, hopefully with better geometry), since as I was telling you I am targeting a large scale experimentation. I guess I might get some more nasty geometry cases :-p.

You can try upping the decimal places for position export in the radpoints routine in livi_export.

To be honest, I didn't really understand what you mean with the above.

LiVi Sim now terminates with an error and flags up the problem geometry in the log file. It will be while before I upload it as I have to implement that for all LiVi calculation types and test it.

Well for now, it is not really urgent to have the patch right away since I can skip such scenes. Thus, no worries I can wait until you have it fully functional.