rh-aiservices-bu / insurance-claim-processing

Source for "Streamlining insurance claims with OpenShift AI" Lab
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4.5 Model Serving: "Missing region information" results in not-deployable model. #215

Open karstengresch opened 1 month ago

karstengresch commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug When deploying the model, I received this error message (see screenshot below).

To Reproduce Follow the instructions, deploy the model.

Expected behavior The model can be deployed w/o error.

Screenshots Error message image

Additional context Workaround: add us-east-2 (AFAIU currently the only available region for the lab) as Region when creation the "Shared Minio - model" data connection.

Documentation + screenshots might need to be updated.

erwangranger commented 1 week ago

Hello, and thanks for the feedback. (sorry I missed the initial notification).

In the instructions to create the data connection, to encourage people to fill out the region, we wrote it as:


I can see how this can be interpreted as "don't enter anything in the region field, leave it blank". But in fact, we are well aware of this annoying limitation. We know you can't leave the field blank, and we know it does not matter what you enter as long as you enter something. To me, writing the region as none was the least wrong way of doing this.

In this lab, we use minio as a "fake and portable" object storage. So really, the region does not matter, since minio runs wherever the cluster runs. (cluster could be on AWS us-east-2, but I could also be in another region, another cloud, or even on-prem).

so, telling users to type in us-east-2 might lead to fewer errors, but also makes it sound like it matter. If I change the instructions, I'm sure the next day I'll have people asking me "I'm doing this on Azure, what should I enter here?".

All this (sorry, it is a bit long) to say, I appreciate the feedback, and I'm sorry it caused confusion, but I still feel like the alternatives would cause even more confusion.

In the future, I'm hoping the interfaces provide better defaults, and force you to fill out the region when needed, so that it's not even possible to not specify the region.

let me know if you have any other questions/comments on this.