Currently the auth added to the pull secret when the registry is added contains no user name and the Quay token. That it wrong, it should contain the admin user name and the password. This patch fixes that.
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[ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
[ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
[ ] This change requires a documentation update
[ ] This change is a documentation update
Tested manually.
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[ ] If a change is adding a feature, it should require a change to the and the review should catch this.
[ ] If the change is a fix, it should have an issue. The review should make sure the comments state the issue (not just the number) and it should use the keywords that will close the issue on merge.
[ ] A change should not be merged unless it passes CI or there is a comment/update saying what testing was passed.
[ ] PRs should not be merged unless positively reviewed.
Currently the auth added to the pull secret when the registry is added contains no user name and the Quay token. That it wrong, it should contain the admin user name and the password. This patch fixes that.
Type of change
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Tested manually.