rh-impact / pnt-hackathon-2022

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Containerize and deploy heudiconv #77

Closed grdryn closed 2 years ago

grdryn commented 2 years ago

https://github.com/nipy/heudiconv https://heudiconv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

grdryn commented 2 years ago

This exists here on GitHub now: https://github.com/rh-impact/pl-heudiconv Additionally, a latest tag of the image has been pushed to quay.io here: https://quay.io/repository/rh-impact/pl-heudiconv?tab=tags

We haven't tagged a version of the release yet, because I want to wait until we've got a user account for the ChRIS store that can be used for GitHub Actions, and it seems that creating a user on that system is unstable at the moment (I haven't been able, I've seen other reports of people unable, and I think @computate also may have had trouble when attempting to create a shared org account).

The current state of it is that it works well and exposes almost all of the options from heudiconv (there are a lot). There are a few known issues for which I've created GitHub issues in the pl-heudiconv project itself (one of which is really just a tracking issue for what I think is a bug in the underlying heudiconv tool that I discovered and reported!): https://github.com/rh-impact/pl-heudiconv/issues

@rudolphpienaar I know you mentioned in another task that you'd find a plugin such as this useful for packing data into the BIDS structure, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on the current state of it, and if there are any changes that you'd like to see. I intend to find some time to get around to addressing some of the known issues soon, so if there's anything else you can think of, please feel free to suggest in new issues in the rh-impact/pl-heudiconv repo.Thanks! 🙏

grdryn commented 2 years ago

I've finally managed to create a chrisstore.co user, but I don't seem to be able to submit the plugin through the UI. I've created the following issue: https://github.com/FNNDSC/ChRIS_store_ui/issues/291