rh-messaging / artemis-hawtio

Apache License 2.0
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Service Unavailalbe #27

Open abhijith-prabhakar opened 7 years ago

abhijith-prabhakar commented 7 years ago


I am trying this plugin out with Artemis v1.4.0 and followed directions given here https://github.com/rh-messaging/artemis-hawtio/blob/master/docs/user-manual.md. Have updated bootstrap .xml

 <web bind="http://localhost:8161" path="web">
       <app url="jolokia" war="jolokia-war-1.3.5.war"/>
       <app url="hawtio" war="hawtio-web.war"/>
       <app url="artemis-plugin" war="artemis-plugin.war"/>

The war files are also placed under ${artemis_home}/web folder. When I start the server I do get below messages.

01:55:57,623 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 1.4.0 [, nodeID=20185b0b-c5b8-11e6-91f4-d2d50317b04b]
01:55:57,801 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis] AMQ241001: HTTP Server started at http://localhost:8161
01:55:57,801 INFO  [org.apache.activemq.artemis] AMQ241002: Artemis Jolokia REST API available at http://localhost:8161/jolokia

I can access Artemis docs directly under http://localhost:8161/. But when I try access url http://localhost:8161/hawtio/login I get 503 Service Unavailable. Is there something I am missing here?. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

abhijith-prabhakar commented 7 years ago

Checking to see if anyone can help with this.

martinthegeek commented 7 years ago

Any update? I am also seeing a 503 error when I try accessing the plugin. I am using artemis 2.1.0 and artemis-hawtio-1.0.0.CR1. I can't find any errors logged. Is there something I can do to increase logging?