rhadamanthe / host-grabber-pp

A web extension, originally designed for Firefox, to find and download media files from various hosts.
MIT License
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Add an option to enable a local dictionary #21

Open rhadamanthe opened 6 years ago

rhadamanthe commented 6 years ago

This dictionary will be specific to the user. Any host defined in it will complete or take precedence over the downloaded dictionary.

ralmond commented 4 years ago

This would be very useful to me. As I understand it, the typical workflow for adding a new entry to hosts.xml would be:

  1. Test the new extension using the debugging tools. (These are EXCELLENT, btw. Good job. One minor suggestion is to put a link to the instruction file on the sidebar to make it easier to find).
  2. Add the newly created XML to a local copy of hosts.xml to test that it is actually working.
  3. Issue a pull (or is it push, I usually use svn not git) on the project for the hosts.xml file to share it.

But right now, I'm stuck on step 2. I'm not sure where the local file is to hack to test my new rules.

rhadamanthe commented 4 years ago


Actually, you can verify everything works by using the debugging tools. Option 2 is intended only if you want to keep your upgrades for yourself. Web browsers cannot load file:/ URLs (security policies prevent it). So, for the moment, you cannot have a local dictionary. If you want to use it, you have to upload the hosts.xml file on some web server and reference it in the extension's preferences.

Otherwise, you can directly go to option 3.
Fork this repository, add your changes and then create a « pull request ». I will review it. Once accepted, anyone will be able to use your additions.