rhadamanthe / host-grabber-pp

A web extension, originally designed for Firefox, to find and download media files from various hosts.
MIT License
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Allow to stop the downloading process #78

Closed Lumox100 closed 4 years ago

Lumox100 commented 4 years ago

Allow downloading of only the selected images and have a button to be able to stop the downloading process.

In content script, check for selection of content with

isContentSelected: function() { return !document.getSelection().isCollapsed; }

rhadamanthe commented 4 years ago


There is a new feature in thext version, about downloading only the selection. But why would it be related to stopping the download?

The selection is done in the web page and doing a right click.
You seem to suggest another approach by checking / unchecking the found images in the download tab. Am I right?

Lumox100 commented 4 years ago


Sorry for the confusion. The 2 functions I requested are unrelated.

1 - Be able to download only the selected images. Only the selected images in the web page would be listed on your "Download List" page.

2 - Once the downloading has begun, be able to stop the downloading of any remaining images in the list that have not already been downloaded or are currently downloading. This would be a button on your "Download List" page.

Thanks for the reply.

rhadamanthe commented 4 years ago

Given that downloading the selection is already implemented, I will consider this ticket as a demand for a stop button.

rhadamanthe commented 4 years ago

I will release the next version in few hours. You will be able to test the download of a selection: select images in the web page, right-click it and select Download the selection.

The stop/resume actions have been added.