rhadamanthe / host-grabber-pp

A web extension, originally designed for Firefox, to find and download media files from various hosts.
MIT License
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IHG++ forgets custom pattern for the directory name when quitting FF #95

Closed igorvolnyi closed 6 months ago

igorvolnyi commented 2 years ago

My custom pattern for the directory name is "%title%/%year%-%month%-%day%_%hour%.%minute%/". If I save it in options and continue using IHG++, the directory structure is hierarchical. But if I quit FF and launch it again, IHG++ "forgets" the custom pattern and the Downloads directory becomes just a plain pile of images.

rhadamanthe commented 2 years ago


I will investigate it.

rhadamanthe commented 6 months ago

Hello. I finally fixed it. I am exploring a new feature and then, I will deliver a new release. Thank you for your patience.