rhanb / nativescript-bottombar

Fancy bottom bar for NativeScript :smile: :beers:
Apache License 2.0
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Bottombar is crashing in ios #45

Closed ravidoki closed 6 years ago

ravidoki commented 6 years ago


I am trying to use bottombar in both android and ios. I am trying to build the android app on windows and ios app on clould using side kick.

Android app is working fine but ios app is crashing. The ios app crashingas soon as I am navigating to the home page.

After long debugging, I found that it is not able to intialize MiniTabBar and app is crashing

 var BottomBar = (function(_super) {
            __extends(BottomBar, _super);
            function BottomBar() {
                var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
                var items = new Array();
                _**this.nativeView = new MiniTabBar({**
                    items: items,
                    titleState: 0
 <StackLayout row="1" orientation="horizontal">
            <BottomBar verticalAlignment="center"
                       row="1" [items]="items" [hide]="hidden" [titleState]="titleState"
                       (loaded)="tabLoaded($event)" (tabSelected)="tabSelected($event)"
                       [inactiveColor]="inactiveColor" [accentColor]="accentColor" colored="true"></BottomBar>

rhanb commented 6 years ago

@ravidoki provide code please

ravidoki commented 6 years ago

Hi @rhanb, Thanks for reply.

Here it is

import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { Page } from "ui/page";
import { Router } from "@angular/router";
import { registerElement } from 'nativescript-angular';
import { BottomBar, BottomBarItem, TITLE_STATE, SelectedIndexChangedEventData, Notification } from 'nativescript-bottombar';

registerElement('BottomBar', () => BottomBar);

  selector: "nsapp",
  templateUrl: "pages/home/home.html",
  styleUrls: ["pages/home/home-common.css", "pages/home/home.css"],

export class HomeComponent {
  public hidden: boolean;
  public titleState: TITLE_STATE;
  public _bar: BottomBar;
  public inactiveColor: string;
  public accentColor: string;

  constructor(private page: Page, private route: Router) {
    //page.actionBarHidden = true;

  public items: Array<BottomBarItem> = [

    new BottomBarItem(0, "Dashboard", "ic_paperplane", "#b0245f"),
    new BottomBarItem(1, "Compose", "ic_paperplane", "#b0245f", null),
    new BottomBarItem(2, "Message Log", "ic_paperplane", "#b0245f", null)
    // new BottomBarItem(3, "Contacts", "ic_favorite", "#b0245f", null),
    // new BottomBarItem(4, "Settings", "ic_settings", "#b0245f", null)

  tabLoaded(event) {
    this._bar = <BottomBar>event.object;
    this.hidden = false;
    this.titleState = TITLE_STATE.SHOW_WHEN_ACTIVE;
    this.inactiveColor = "black";
    this.accentColor = "white";

  tabSelected(args: SelectedIndexChangedEventData) {
    switch (args.newIndex) {
      case 0 :this.route.navigate(['/home/dashboard'] );
      case 1 : this.route.navigate(['/home/message']);
      case 2: this.route.navigate(['/home/messagelog']);
rhanb commented 6 years ago

Could you also provide the error output please?

nicHoch commented 6 years ago

hi the new swift updates after ( #38 ) also crate also a crash on ios for me:

i only see "fatal error: Index out of range" in the console - as soon as i navigate to a page with a bottom bar.

rhanb commented 6 years ago

@nicHoch Thanks for pointing out that it comes with the latest Swift update. Will dig into that thanks :)

ravidoki commented 6 years ago

@rhanb I didn't get any error . I am also having same issue as @nicHoch .

codeback commented 6 years ago

I'm having this error too: "fatal error: Index out of range".

codeback commented 6 years ago

@rhanb, The issue is due to call setItems on init function in the file MiniTabBar.swift:

public init(items: [MiniTabBarItem], titleState: TitleState) {
        self.colored = false
        self.titleState = titleState
        self.animatedHide = false
        self.positionY = CGFloat(0)
        self.uncoloredBackgroundColor = UIColor(white: 1.0, alpha: 0.8)
        super.init(frame: CGRect.zero)
        self.backgroundColor = self.uncoloredBackgroundColor

        keyLine.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.9, alpha: 1.0)
        print("im setting items now")

If I comment the last line, it works. Please can you validate it?

Thank you in advance

rhanb commented 6 years ago

@codeback , thank you very much it helps a lot ! I will check this out asap 👍

rhanb commented 6 years ago

I will work on it this week-end, don't have time before unfortunately. Sorry for the hard crash on iOS 😞

zLinz commented 6 years ago

@rhanb Thank you very much!

ravidoki commented 6 years ago

Thanks @rhanb .

bremkesti commented 6 years ago

Is there any news on this? Even if its just a temporary fix to apply til a new update roles out-

peterkrieg commented 6 years ago

The code fix by @codeback worked for me at first, but now it doesn't for some reason (it also only worked for emulator, and not device testing, no idea why).

So now I have no way of fixing this and am currently only running android for now. Anyone else have a temporary fix they know of?

shiv19 commented 6 years ago

I am using a bottom bar made using flexbox layout as a temporary fix for this

                    <btb:BottomBar row="2" items="{{ items }}"
                        hide="{{ hidden }}" titleState="{{ titleState }}"
                        loaded="tabLoaded" unloaded="tabUnLoaded"
                        inactiveColor="{{ inactiveColor }}"
                        accentColor="{{ accentColor }}" colored="true">
                    <FlexboxLayout row="2" backgroundColor="#4099ff" flexDirection="row" 
                        justifyContent="space-around" padding="10">
                        <Image tap="tabSelected" newIndex="0" height="30" src="res://home" />
                        <Image tap="tabSelected" newIndex="1" height="30" src="res://icstatus" />
                        <Image tap="tabSelected" newIndex="2" height="30" src="res://trainme" />
                        <Image tap="tabSelected" newIndex="3" height="30" src="res://icexplore" />

and my tabSelected function looks like this

function tabSelected(args) {
    if (app.ios) {
        args.newIndex = +args.object.newIndex;
    switch (args.newIndex) {
        case 0:
            dashObj.set("home", true);
        case 1:
            dashObj.set("status", true);
        case 2:
            dashObj.set("trainMe", true);
        case 3:
            dashObj.set("explore", true);
rhanb commented 6 years ago

@bremkesti and @peterkrieg , I unfortunately didn't get enough time to deep dive into this issue. But will def keep you up to date when I'll get time 👍

Thanks a lot @shiv19 for the share, hope it can help.

Jay268 commented 6 years ago


I am also having same issue iOS crashing the app. Let us know when you share a stable update for this.

shiamalon commented 6 years ago

Having the exact same issue :| Is there any way I can help?

rhanb commented 6 years ago

This issue is fixed.

as @codeback was saying, it was coming from this :


In the Swift demo everything was working well, but it wasn't working in the NativeScript plugin because of this:

let items = new Array<any>();
this.nativeView = new MiniTabBar({
       items: items,

I am initialising the MiniTabBar with an empty array in the constructor to make sure to have an instance of it even if the plugin consumer doesn't set any BottomBarItem or is they are not set yet when the class is constructed.

But in the latest update of the swift library I change the code of initialisation, I wasn't checking if the array passed as a parameter was empty or not, so using the library withing the NativeScript plugin was making the error:

fatal error: Index out of range

So I fixed that on the Swift side. Follow those instructions to fix this issue:

- tns plugin remove nativescript-bottombar
- rm -rf platforms
- tns plugin add nativescript-bottombar
- tns run ios
peterkrieg commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much @rhanb !

FranciZ commented 6 years ago



So I managed to get around that by adding below snippet on line 194 in MiniTabBar.swift:

if(self.itemViews.count == 0) {


Realised I have a typo in an icon name which solved the second error.

Not sure if it's the same error but bottombar is still crashing for me on iOS. Working normally on Android. This is after trying the fix recommended here: https://github.com/rhanb/nativescript-bottombar/issues/45#issuecomment-353574474

Logs below.

Fatal error: Index out of range

It fails on line 194 in MiniTabBar.swift. Also attaching a screenshot of XCode debugger.

screen shot 2017-12-23 at 20 22 50


So I managed to get around that by adding below snippet on line 194 in MiniTabBar.swift:

if(self.itemViews.count == 0) {

But I now get a different error:

tnsapp[435:19600] CONSOLE ERROR [native code]: ERROR TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'imageSourceValue.ios')

CONSOLE ERROR [native code]: ERROR TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'imageSourceValue.ios')
2017-12-23 20:47:54.162123+0100 tnsapp[435:19600] CONSOLE ERROR [native code]: ERROR CONTEXT [object Object]

CONSOLE ERROR [native code]: ERROR CONTEXT [object Object]

Having done some googling, I got to this post which references back to you :), https://discourse.nativescript.org/t/evaluating-imagesourcevalue-ios/2221/3

I tried changing all my icons for ic_home_black_24dp but the error persists (EDIT: HAD A TYPO HERE). Any help is greatly appreciated!

rhanb commented 6 years ago

@FranciZ , are you sure you have the latest iOS version of the library? Did you rm your platforms folder and then re run your build?

FranciZ commented 6 years ago

@rhanb I did follow the instruction exactly as written. I managed to get it working as I explain in the previous comment but I did have to edit MiniTabBar.swift. The icon name typo was my bad.

Thanks a bunch for responding during this time!

rhanb commented 6 years ago

@FranciZ can you provide the code of the function setItems in your MiniTabBar.swift file please?

FranciZ commented 6 years ago

@rhanb Here you go.

public func setItems(_ items: [MiniTabBarItem]) {
        if (self.itemViews.count > 0) {
            for v in self.subviews {
            self.itemViews = [MiniTabBarItemView]()

        if (items.count > 0) {
            for item in items {
                let itemView = MiniTabBarItemView(item, self)
                itemView.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(MiniTabBar.itemTapped(_:))))
            if (self.itemViews.count > 0) {
                self.selectItem(0, animated: true);
rhanb commented 6 years ago

@FranciZ , I don't manage to reproduce the error. Since the latest update of the swift library, it works fine on my side, if you still got the error, could you provide a github repo to reproduce the error? Thanks 👍

FranciZ commented 6 years ago

@rhanb Works now without issues. Could be the version was the issue. Thanks!