rhappdev / nodejs-template

Nodejs Example project working with shared pipeline templates
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"npm install" doesn't work out of the box #1

Closed tsondergaard closed 5 years ago

tsondergaard commented 5 years ago

I'm fairly new to npm, but the problem appears to be caused by .npmrc that references a specific registry:

registry = "http://nexus3-misanche-nexus.apps.na39.openshift.opentlc.com/repository/npm_group"

That registry fails with "503 Service Unavailable" for me.

misanche commented 5 years ago

@tsondergaard sorry, I didn't see the issue. It's not an issue itself. I added the .npmrc file with an example for setting a private npm registry. if you want to use npm repository, just remove this file.

misanche commented 5 years ago

Updated Readme.md with common issues.


misanche commented 5 years ago

@sonal994 read https://github.com/rhappdev/nodejs-template/blob/master/Readme.md#npm-install-fails renové the .npmrc file and try again. This happens because we use internal npm repository.

sonal994 commented 5 years ago

@misanche After deleting that file, It is showing below error on npm start :npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! nodets-sample@1.0.0 start: DEBUG=fes:* node dist/index.js

misanche commented 5 years ago

Hi @sonal994 did you run first: npm run build:live or npm run build:dev first?

The reason is because we develop in typescript and then we transpile it to js. Once you run the command, the dish folder will be available

sonal994 commented 5 years ago

Thanks @misanche .

misanche commented 5 years ago

np @sonal994 glad to help