rhargreaves / mega-drive-midi-interface

Control the Sega Mega Drive's Yamaha YM2612 and PSG with MIDI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The problem of changing the preset through the "presets.c" file #31

Closed KPY7030P closed 1 year ago

KPY7030P commented 1 year ago

To begin with, I would like to thank the author for his gorgeous creation. We have already given several successful concerts thanks to this.

But now we would like to be able to download our presets in ROM When I myself create a ROM, everything goes successfully, and it starts on the Blastem emulator. Everything works as it should, but all the settings of sounds always remain as if I had just cloned the repository from github. Perhaps this problem is solved very simply and the whole point is that I am a beginner in this. I hope it is and I hope for help.

I use the following system settings: Windows 11 WSL 2 Docker VSCODE BlastEm (night build) rtpMIDI midiTls

I just cloning the repository from Hithab through the Git Clone team, or download the right version. Then I change the settings of presets in the file ./SRC/PResets.C. Then I edit the path of the output folder a little to avoid error in the file on line 19 ./utils/docker-run -v $(pwd)/out:/app/out \ -> -v "/$(pwd)"/out:/app/out \ Then I launch the command in WSL ./docker-make ROM_TYPE=MEGAWIFI Next, the creation of the ROM takes place and it seems to me, successfully and ends on the line in the terminal RM Res/Sprite.rs When this new ROM is opened in Blastem, I again see old presets.

What do you think, what could be the problem with the return of the presets to the original ones?

KPY7030P commented 1 year ago

I turned out to be quite stupid :) I solved my problem by simply renaming the files. The fact is that I use BlastEm to check fresh ROMs. This emulator caches those ROMs that were loaded into it, and each time it replaced a fresh ROM for an old ROM without changing it.