rhasspy / larynx

End to end text to speech system using gruut and onnx
MIT License
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Soften the stop of voice at start of break? #37

Open PeterSprague opened 2 years ago

PeterSprague commented 2 years ago

How would I "soften" the end of the sentence at break? Jarring abrupt stop to voice at each break start.

I was thinking of moving to a Japanese voice for the Japanese words, then back to English for the movement directions. Abrupt change ups could make it painful to listen to.

Maybe when you add more SSML set there would be enhanced control to tackle this

synesthesiam commented 2 years ago

I've noticed this too with certain voices. I think this may be an artifact of my training process: I may be trimming off too much silence from the end of sentences. Adding extra full stops (.) can sometimes help, but not always.

I'm reworking the training process now, so I'm hoping this will disappear in future versions of Larynx.

PeterSprague commented 2 years ago

Will try the extra stops and other voices