rhasspy / piper

A fast, local neural text to speech system
MIT License
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Feature Request: Support Array of JSON Objects #427

Open CorporateDrone opened 2 months ago

CorporateDrone commented 2 months ago

Issue: Currently, JSON is supported, but not an array of JSON { "text": "First sentence to speak." } { "text": "Second sentence to speak." }

Problem: I'm passing multiple text from an API to render the audio files. I cannot use the standard array of object. Rather, I have to convert the array into the above.

I'm having to convert this: [{ "text": "First sentence to speak." } ,{ "text": "Second sentence to speak." }]

to this: { "text": "First sentence to speak." } { "text": "Second sentence to speak." }

Proposal Accept an array of JSON objects by default: [{ "text": "First sentence to speak." } ,{ "text": "Second sentence to speak." }]