rhasspy / piper

A fast, local neural text to speech system
MIT License
4.38k stars 297 forks source link

PyPI piper-tts is out of sync with the latest Github release #473

Open xandark opened 3 weeks ago

xandark commented 3 weeks ago

Hello! I realize this is a personal project, but if you could do so easily, could you update the PyPI piper-tts to the latest version. Currently, it's at 1.2.0 on PyPI while the latest is 2023.11.14-2.

Or are you needing help with all of the administrative work on this project?

synesthesiam commented 3 weeks ago

I need lots of help, yes :smile:

xandark commented 3 weeks ago

Have you thought of asking for help right up front on the project page? There's a lot of love for this project, I'm sure someone would step up.