rhasspy / piper

A fast, local neural text to speech system
MIT License
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Low step count? 200 steps per 50 epochs. #478

Open RenNagasaki opened 3 weeks ago

RenNagasaki commented 3 weeks ago

Hey guys, I'm pretty new here just trying to figure all this out. Finally managed to get my first finetuning running. But I'm kinda confused.

I'm using the thomas - medium model (german) for finetuning. It starts an 3135 epochs with 2702056 steps which is like 43000 steps per 50 epochs. But my run only increases by like 200 steps per 50 epochs. Am I doing something significantly wrong?

My command to start the finetuning: I've got a 4090 in my PC which works with like 70% (3D and VRAM) python3 -m piper_train \ --dataset-dir /home/tts/dataset/output/ \ --accelerator 'gpu' \ --devices 1 \ --batch-size 24 \ --validation-split 0.2 \ --num-test-examples 1 \ --max_epochs 10000 \ --resume_from_checkpoint /home/tts/dataset/output/lightning_logs/version_2/checkpoints/epoch\=3249-step\=2702512.ckpt \ --checkpoint-epochs 50 \ --precision 32 \ --max-phoneme-ids 400

Kind regards.

RenNagasaki commented 3 weeks ago

It also randomly stops working and I need to restart the wsl environment.