Closed fherbet closed 3 years ago
Works fine with arecor ...
In my case I am running this in docker on a raspi 4 with a Play Station Eye Camera for PS3. (which works fairly well for this) I am not really a Python developer but thought I would search around a bit and see if I could find any 'pointers'. This thread seemed to point to a couple promising solutions that might be worth looking at. IF I can get some time to setup a dev environment for Python and a little up to speed on the language I might try to take a stab at it. (Unfortunately, I am not hopeful of finding spare time this year) I also notice it happens primarily if/when there is background noise when using the system.
I've reworked the PyAudio API usage in 8d0af4d25c6f1036d65017700c115a22ed80deea
With the next update to Rhasspy (2.5.9), I'm hoping this issue will be fixed.
Please re-open if there's still a problem.
just installed and testing this wonderful project! i built it using Rpi4 4G + docker rhasspy:latest (2.5)+PS3 eye
encountered an issue where rhasppy stops listening after a few mns ..only way to recover is to click restart...
here are the logs i get when it gets stuck
my profile.json contains