rhasspy / rhasspy3

An open source voice assistant toolkit for many human languages
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Timeout or lockup after "rhasspy3.vad:segment: speaking ended" with longer reply #55

Closed phormix closed 9 months ago

phormix commented 9 months ago

For reference I'm using the following pipeline (though the halting point seems to be something with or just after ASR processing)

  name: arecord
  name: silero
  name: faster-whisper.client
  name: porcupine1
  name: home_assistant
  name: piper.client
  name: aplay

In this pipeline, if I use tiny-int8 with whisper (running as a server), it will quickly return a response and the pipeline will continue after VAD but with relatively poor recognition

If I use any other model, the whisper portion takes slightly longer and the whole pipeline sticks at "Speaking Ended", i.e. per the debug

DEBUG:rhasspy3.core:Loading config from /home/rhasspy/rhasspy3/rhasspy3/configuration.yaml DEBUG:rhasspy3.core:Loading config from /home/rhasspy/rhasspy3/config/configuration.yaml DEBUG:rhasspy3.program:mic_adapter_raw.py ['--rate', '16000', '--width', '2', '--channels', '1', 'arecord -q -r 16000 -D plughw:CARD=Device -c 1 -f S16_LE -t raw -'] DEBUG:rhasspy3.program:client_unix_socket.py ['var/run/faster-whisper.socket'] DEBUG:rhasspy3.program:.venv/bin/python3 ['bin/porcupine_stream.py', '--model', 'jarvis_raspberry-pi.ppn'] DEBUG:rhasspy3.wake:detect: processing audio DEBUG:rhasspy3.wake:detect: Detection(name='jarvis_raspberry-pi', timestamp=8540921121325) DEBUG:rhasspy3.program:vad_adapter_raw.py ['--rate', '16000', '--width', '2', '--channels', '1', '--samples-per-chunk', '512', 'script/speech_prob "share/silero_vad.onnx"'] DEBUG:rhasspy3.vad:segment: processing audio DEBUG:rhasspy3.vad:segment: speaking started DEBUG:rhasspy3.vad:segment: speaking ended

The best I can tell, the slightly additional delay in response from the whisper server is causing something to lock up after VAD and never pass things on to the next part of the pipeline. I suspect there is some sort of timeout with the connection to the whisper server which causes it to never get the response and thus not move one. It doesn't seejm to matter which VAD I actually use (both silero and webrtcvad similarly get stuck) so it's probably in the processing between overall VAD and STT functionality. From what I can see in "top" I'm not running into some sort of memory-limit that causes the crash, as while there is a bit of a CPU spike during STT I've still got mem free

Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4, 2GB

Shulyaka commented 9 months ago

Looks like a duplicate of #29. Please try the fix in #30.

phormix commented 9 months ago

Applying the updated seems to have fixed this, thanks!