rhasspy / webrtc-noise-gain

Tiny wrapper around webrtc-audio-processing for noise suppression/auto gain only
MIT License
10 stars 17 forks source link

Fix builds on i686/armv6l #1

Closed bdraco closed 9 months ago

bdraco commented 9 months ago

I expect this will fix it but my test hardware doesn't exactly match the github qemu runners


bdraco commented 9 months ago

Waiting for a 👍 from my rpi 32bit test hardware

bdraco commented 9 months ago

compiler doesn't work in the container

bdraco commented 9 months ago

compiler doesn't work because /tmp is mounted noexec


docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash
fallocate -l 1G /usr/tmp-disk
apk add e2fsprogs
mkfs.ext4 /usr/tmp-disk
mount -o loop -t ext4 /usr/tmp-disk /tmp
bdraco commented 9 months ago

seems to be ok now