rhboot / shim

UEFI shim loader
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Enforce EKU CodeSign extension check #522

Closed dennis-tseng99 closed 1 year ago

dennis-tseng99 commented 1 year ago

Per NIAP OS_PP, the signer certificate of the UEFI image has to contain "CodeSign" extension in its Extended Key Usage(EKU).

This commit borrows VerifyEKUsInPkcs7Signature() from edk2 and enforces the CodeSign check in Pkcs7Verify(). Also merged the buffer use-after-free fix (*)

(*) https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2459

Signed-off-by: Gary Lin glin@suse.com Signed-off-by: Dennis Tseng dennis.tseng@suse.com